Epilogue Pt. 2

617 19 14

*Not edited*
Enya's POV

I sat down on my bed with Hayden and started patting his back to burp him.

"Mommy, daddy said I can't go outside with him. I want to play."

"Daddy doesn't want to play right now."I said as he climbed into the window seat.

Once Hayed was asleep I got up and sat next to him.

"Want to watch tv? We can watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates."

He nodded getting in the bed next to Hayden.

"Don't touch him, he is taking a nap." I said and he nodded getting under the covers.

I turned on Disney Jr. then walked out and went down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and looked out the back door at Jr just sitting there.

I didn't think he would be this upset because one I thought he knew already and two because he is Jr and Jr doesn't get upset about stuff easily.

But a dog is a mans best friend so I can't say I was surprised.

I decided to leave him alone because he obviously wanted some time alone.

I went upstairs to Noah's room, this time I knocked before opening the door.

"Come in." He said and I walked in and sat on his bed.

"How is Jr?"

"Okay I guess, he is outside sitting at his grave."

He nodded and started to unpack his stuff.

"How long are you two staying?"

"Well its supposed to be only like ten days but it might be up to two weeks, the college is on fall break."

"Oh, want to watch a movie?"

"Last time we watched a movie together you threw up, I don't want to be thrown up on okay?"

"I was pregnant, and popcorn stinks so it obviously triggered something the baby didn't like too well."

"That didn't make sense, just shut up and pick a movie."

I nodded and picked the lion king.

"No, we watched this before we came here and I listened to the play list on the way here."

"Please." I said looking up at him.

"No, I'm not watching this."

"Then go watch tv in my room with Logan." I said jokingly.

"No, please can we watch something else."

Noah whispered something in his ear then he sat back down.

I don't want to know what he said because it was probably something dirty.

"Fine, turn it on." He said and I smiled then sat down on the bed.

I was towards the end so I wasn't really paying attention to them but they kept kicking me.

I mean why let me watch the movie if he was just going to kick me every other minute.

"If you didn't want to watch the movie, all you had to do was tell me. Kicking me is annoying and it's not nice."

"We were trying to get your attention." He said pointing towards the door.

"Baby brother crying. Can I hold him?" Logan asked and I got up and went into the room.

"Mommy, I want to hold him."

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