Chapter 22

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Merry Christmas guys... I forgot to do an A/N at the end of yesterdays update because I literally posted it at like 1am Saturday morning so didn't get to say an early merry Christmas to everyone and I didn't fix it so why not make a small update so MERRY CHRISTMAS🎄🎁🎄🎁🎄...

Enya's POV.

"Wake up. You both have school." Dad yelled waking both of us up.

I'm guessing Jr was still mad about last night because his arms got tighter around me and it started to hurt.

"Jr your going to squeeze me to death." I mumbled and he let go.

"Come on, lets go eat something before we get ready." I said climbing out if his bed and he followed me.

"Want some eggs?"

He shook his head.

"Um want some bagels?"

He shook his head again.

"A bowl of cereal?"

"You know, Im not really hungry any more." He said going back up stairs.

I was starving so I made me a bagel then went back up stairs to get ready.

"Good morning Noah." I said as he walked out the room.

"There is nothing good about this morning, Dad is pissed about whatever, same with Jr and mom is mad because dad is mad at Jr or because Jr is mad at dad." He said sighing.

"Well Morning Noah."

He laughed.

"Every time Jr and dad pass each other its a death glare war between them."

"Jr just has to calm down and so does dad. He wants Jr to control himself but he doesn't control his anger toward Jr. What Im trying to say is that dad is being a hypocrite. He wont control his anger but yells at Jr when he doesn't control his."

"Is the little princess not on daddy's side for once?"

"I'm not joking, Jr is going to continue to be pissed and so will dad so it is never going to work."

"You guys go to college in a few months so it won't matter will it. Jr got a scholarship for football and you got one for being smart and stuff so you both will be gone and there will be no more fights."

"Yeah, that's in like four or five months though."

"They will go by fast Noah. In three days it will be june. You guys graduate on the third, and my last day is the seventh. After that time is going to fly by and you guys will be gone."

"This isn't about dad and Jr fighting is it?" He asked pulling me into his room.

"I guess not, well kind of. I just don't want them to be mad at each before you both leave."

"You don't want us to leave in general."

"No I don't. I will miss my best friends. I can't talk to Logan or the twins like I talk to you and Jr."

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