Chapter 21

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Noah's POV

When I woke up it was maybe two in the morning and I couldn't sleep and I just wanted to lay with someone.

I went down the hall to Enya's room but she was in her bathroom so I knocked on the door.

"Hey." I said as she opened it.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just heard you up so I got up." I lied.

"Oh, well go lay back down. I'm going back to sleep. I was with dad but he was moving to much."

She kissed my cheek and I smiled walking back out to the hall.

I sighed closing her door behind me.

I walked into Jr's room and tried to wake him up. He turned over and looked at me.

"What do you want?"

"Can I sleep in here?"

"Noah, go lay back down. I will come talk to you later." He said and I sighed walking out.

I went to mom and dad's room and mom wasn't here so she was still at work.

I walked over to dad and shook him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked and he moved over and lifted the cover up.

I got in next to him and put my head on his chest.

"What's wrong Noah?"

"I can't sleep, I just want someone to lay with someone. I will go back to my room if you want me too." I said sitting up.

"You can stay, lay back down." He said and I laid back down.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too Noah." He said putting his arm around me and I went back to sleep.

A peaceful and comfortable sleep.


"Noah, wake up." Dad whispered shaking me and I looked up.

"I have to go to work, and you have to go to school. Come on." He said and I sat up.

"Can I stay home, James is going to be there."

"No, you all have missed to many days of school and so what if he is there you don't need him." He said and I got up.

"Don't be so bummed out." He said and I nodded smiling a fake smile.

"If you're going to smile don't make it a fake one. I know what a fake smile looks like and you shouldn't have one on your face." He said and I nodded.

"Don't be all sad. I know you love James, we all do but he shouldn't have done that but he doesn't have to be with you either. Don't chase after him if he doesn't want you. It's not worth it if he doesn't want to be with you." He said and I nodded.

"Now go get dressed for school."

I nodded smiling and he opened the door.

"Will mom be home when we get back?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She still gives us kisses when we don't feel all that good and stuff."

"Oh, I would but Jr said you guys didn't want me to anymore so I stopped." He said and I sighed.

"I never asked you to stop." I said walking to the door.

He sighed as I walked out and I shut my door and got ready.

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