Chapter 18

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"Mommy wake up." Logan yelled and I sat up.

"I want food." He said climbing off the bed.

I followed him down to the stairs and when we got to the living room dad and a bunch of our uncles were sitting on the couch watching a football game and drinking beers.

"Why didn't you wake me up for school?"

"Because no one got up, its almost twelve." He said.

"Okay, and that means what. I could have gotten up and someone could have drove me."

"Fine, go to school. I didn't know you wanted to go that bad. I will wake you up next time."

"Mommy, I want food." Logan yelled standing in the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes at dad then went into the kitchen.

I picked up Logan and started to make him a bowl of cereal.

He leaned on my shoulder and started coughing.

"Cover your mouth." I said taking the milk out the fridge.

I put him at the table and sat his bowl in front of him.

"Thank you." He said and I smiled kissing his cheek.

I put my hair up into a bun then turned around and saw Jr standing by the door.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a bagel out the pantry.

"Don't ignore me please." He said and I continued to ignore him.

"Enya, don't be like that." He said grabbing my arm.

"Don't touch me." I said shaking his arm off of me.

I got the cream cheese out the fridge then sat at the table and he followed me.

"Dad, Jr won't leave me alone." I yelled.

"Stop messing with her." He yelled back and Jr rolled his eyes then waved him off.

"Dad he told you to shut up."

"No I didn't, she is lying. I don't disrespect him." He yelled then turned to me.

"Dad come get him."

"Jr leave her alone or go to your room. I don't want to hear this all day." He said walking into the kitchen and Jr walked out rolling his eyes.

"Mommy my tummy hurt." Logan said before he started to cough into his hands.

"Awe, why? Do you have to use the bathroom?"

He started crying and I put him on my lap.

"Awe baby, don't cry." I said rocking him.

I rocked him for a few minutes then stood up.

I poured his milk into the sink then grabbed him a juice out the fridge.

I started to walk out and since he was crying dad and all our uncles started to yell at me to hurry up.

They were pissing me off so I turned to the tv, turned it off, unplugged it, unplugged the cable and WiFi and shut off the lights.

"Stop yelling at me. You all act like I was going to stay in here."

"What is wrong with the wifi. I'm working on something." Mom yelled walking out her office.

"Dad did it." I said walking up to my room.

I shut and locked my door then laid Logan in my bed.

He soon cried himself to sleep and I was finally able to watch tv.

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