Chapter 40 (Last Chapter)

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Enya's POV

Guess what today is guys!!!!


I'm more excited than he is. I'm his maid of honor, Jr is the best man, obviously what else would we be.

After me its Alex, Paris, Michael, then Ava.

On James' side his maid of honor Is obviously Stacy then a bunch of his cousins that I don't know.

The ring bearer is Logan and he is just the cutest and Matthew and Mikaela are the flower boy and girl.

It hasn't started yet but I know everything is going to be extra cute.

The only thing they made Noah upset was that James didn't ask none of his younger cousins to be apart of the wedding like the kids were.

Anyways I was getting my dress on in Noah's dressing room because I needed help.

Also let's talk about how mom is almost six months pregnant.

Her belly is really big to be five months, I said I think she is having twins because she is just really big to be five months.

Anyways back to the wedding.

Both Noah and James have black suits on so they said the maid of honors could wear white dresses.

Stacy and I begged them to let us wear them.

Flower girl is Lucky, she gets to wear a big white puffy dress as if she was the bride.

The "bridesmaids" wore cute light green, almost turquoise dresses and the groomsmen wore blue suits except for the best men, they wore gray suits.

Logan had on a little black suit and Matthew had on the same.

A lot was going on and I noticed Noah getting upset.

"Noah, come here." I said stepping to a more private space of his room.

"What's wrong?" I asked as some lady continued to put make up on my face.

"Everyone keeps moving around and I can't concentrate. I can't hear myself think and its making me nervous."

"Want me to get them to sit down?"

"Please, they won't listen to me."

I nodded and asked the lady to stop doing my makeup for just a few seconds.

"Hey, everyone needs to find a seat and pop a squat. You are making my brother nervous and he can't think." I yelled and everyone looked at me then found a seat.

"Where is dad. I have to walk out there soon and he isn't here. This stressing me out." He said pacing back and forth.

"He is here Noah, he just stepped out. He will be back." Mom said and he nodded.

Our whole family was in here at first but dad made most of them leave if they weren't going to be standing up at the alter with him or behind him.

I got my make up and hair done then Aunt Skylynn knocked on the door. She is keeping track of time.

"You have five minutes Noah."

"Mom where is dad at, I have five minutes." He yelled freaking out.

"Calm down, I'm right here. I had to do something." Dad said stepping into the room and Noah hugged him.

"You six need to come on and line up." Skylynn said dragging me out the door and the rest followed.

Jr and I were at the very beginning of the line then after our side for the family James's family started with Stacy and whoever the best man was.

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