Chapter 17

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Jr's POV

When the movie ended Noah wanted Enya and I to leave so I got up and picked her up.

"What are you doing?" She asked opening her eyes.

"Taking you to your room. You went to sleep and Noah wanted us to leave." I said laying her in her bed.

"Where is Logan?"

"He is still asleep." I said looking over at him.

"Oh. I'm going to sleep again." She said turning over and I laid down with her.

"I'm going to sleep with you." I said and she waved her hand laughing a little.

We ended up going to sleep but Logan woke us up.

"Hey, wake up." He yelled and we both looked at him.

"What Logan?" I said looking up at him.

"Papa say get up." He said and we turned to the door.

"Where is papa at?" Enya asked as I got up.

"He say he go to office." He said grabbing his toys.

"What office? Is he talking about mom's office?" I asked and she nodded putting her hair into a bun.

"Come on." She said forcing me to walk.

We walked down stairs to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mom said and I sighed turning the knob.

Mom was sitting in her office chair and dad was leaning against the wall.

"Close the door."

"What did we do?"

"Nothing. Just shut the door."dad said with a tone in his voice telling us he was upset about something.

"So, what do you need us for?" I asked as Enya paid no attention because she was typing on her phone.

She was probably texting Gabbie.

"We need your help with planing Noah's half of the party and Noah will help with your half."

"Our birthday is in three days, how are we supposed to plan something that fast?"

"Ask him what he wants to do, he isn't going to think anything if you ask him."

"We should get him a penis cake." Enya said and we gave her a stupid look.

"No, we can't do that. Okay don't ask me to do anything or for any ideas anymore."

"We won't." Dad said and I laughed at the face she made at him.

"Watch, I bet he wants one."

"Twenty dollars I bet you won't." I said and we shook on it.

"I'm going to go ask him right now." I said and we followed her.

"Noah, do you want a penis cake for your birthday?" She asked and he looked up at her.

"Um sure." He said then put his head back on James' chest.

"Boom, where's my money?" She yelled holding her hand out and I rolled my eyes and gave it to her.

"Thank you, and here Noah. Happy birthday" She said handing it to him.


"No, you told him to say yes. You compromised this deal."

"I just wanted to give him his present before I ran out of money. Good doing business with you though." She said patting my shoulder.

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