Chapter 5

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Jr's POV

When I woke up, i got up and walked down the stairs to see dad asleep on the couch.

I sighed shaking my head and went into the kitchen and looked at the time.

It was already eight in the morning and the twins were late for school.

I sighed running my hands through my hair.

I went back upstairs and woke up everyone telling them we had to get the twins ready.

"What time is it?" Enya asked walking down the hall with Mikaela.

"Eight something. They are late just get her ready." I said and she nodded.

I went into my room and woke up Matthew who put up a fight.

"Matthew, come on. Mommy is going to be mad if you don't get up." I said and he sat up frowning.

I took him to his bathroom where Enya and Mikaela were bushing her teeth.

"Stay with Enya, Im going to go get your clothes out." I said and he nodded.

I laid his outfit next to Mikaela's and went to my room.

I got dressed in something at that is presentable to drive them to school in, then went down stairs and started to make breakfast for everyone.

Once everyone came downstairs i made them a plate and we sat at the table listening to the twins tell us what they were going to do.

Enya got their snacks and lunch together while Noah and I got their nap time stuff in their bags.

"Here, just hold your pillow." I said handed it to Matthew.

"Noah, Enya. Come on." I said and they walked out the kitchen holding a lunch for both of them.

"Lets go." I said grabbing my keys off the hook.

Im not supposed to be driving but oh well, they didn't wake us up so I'm not waking them up.

I took the twins to school then looked at Noah.

"Get out and take them in with her." I said and he rolled his eyes opening the door.

I watched them walk up to the school and disappear inside.


Later when the twins school ended I told Noah and Enya that we had to go to twins school to bring them home, so we just got in the car.

Mom and dad didn't go to work today but when they woke up they weren't talking at all.

Anyways when we got to their school i got out and they ran to me.

"Brother, i go on field trip." Matthew yelled.

"Me too, we go to the zoo and see Zebras." Mikaela said right after him i put their bags in the trunk then put them in the back next to Enya.

When we got home. I parked the car and we got out walking up to the door.

Noah opened it and as soon as we walked in mom and dad were yelling then dad's hand went across mom's face and we just stood there in shook.

In the whole eighteen almost nineteen years of my life he has never laid a hand on mom, and if he has it wasn't around us.

"Dad, why did you hit her?" Noah spoke and they looked at us.

"I didn't-"

"You did dad. Your hand went right across her face." I said louder than regular speaking but i wasn't yelling.

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