Chapter 9

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Omg two updates in one day, I'm way to happy today. Haha lol okay bye...


Skip to when they go back to school.

Enya's POV

When I woke up for school I wasn't in the mood to get up but dad was making sure we got up on time.

He said we were at home for to long and that we were annoying for the last two weeks.

When I woke up Logan woke up.

He is doing so much better with going to the bathroom on his own and he can stand up and pee.

Jr and Noah taught him or dad or all three of them. Im not sure, i was never with them.

He got his own bed that he sleeps in, he is such a big boy now.

Anyways we both got up and I got ready for school and i washed Logan's face and brushed his teeth, then we walked down stairs.

"Mommy where we going?" He asked as I put his shoes on his feet.

"Mommy has to go to school. You get to stay with papa all day until I get back."

"You not stay with me?" He asked as I grabbed my book bag.

"No I have school?"

"What school mommy?"

"I have to go learn stuff so I go to school to learn it."

"I go school too mommy?"

"No you stay with papa."

"I go with you." He said crying.

"Logan why are you crying?" Dad asked walking down the stairs.

"I go with mommy and school papa." He cried pointing at me and he smiled.

"You don't want to stay with papa today?"

"No papa."

"Why, you make papa sad." He said covering his face and cried.

"Papa stop crying." He yelled trying to pull his hands off his face.

"Mommy I make papa cry."

"Say sorry and give him a hug." I said.

"I sorry papa." He said forcing dad to put his arms around his little body.

"Are you going to stay with papa and make him happy?"

"Yes mommy."

"Good, now let's go dad" I said and we went out to the car with everyone and mom was already at work.

We didn't have time to move the cars out the way to get to the truck so we had to lap up in the back seat.

Matthew sat on Noah's lap, Mikaela sat in the middle and I sat on the other side with Logan on my lap.

We dropped the twins off first and Noah took them inside.

When we got to our school I put Logan in the middle and gave him a kiss before getting out.

"Mommy." He yelled before I could close the door.

He climbed out the car and hugged my leg and looked up at me.

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