Chapter 33

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Enya's POV

When I woke up, I was still on the couch but Jr was gone.

I got up and walked around the house but the only person in the house was James.

He was asleep in Noah's bed.

"James." I said shaking him and he rolled over.

"Hey, sorry I woke you up but do you know where everyone went?"

"No, Noah said something to me but I was half asleep. I think he said they were going out to get food."

"Oh, thanks. You feeling better?"

"Kinda. I'm going to go take a shower."

I nodded and went into my room.

Logan was in his bed asleep with the tv quietly playing.

I picked up my phone and called dad.


"Hey dad, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm out with your uncles for my birthday, why?"

"I thought you were with mom and the boys and the twins."

"No, you should call mom to see where they are at."

"Okay, bye I love you."

"Love you too." He said and I hung up.

I called Noah knowing mom was driving and Jr wouldn't answer.


"Where are you guys at?"

"We went to get food. We asked if you wanted to go but you kept pushing us away so we just left. Can you check on James for me?"

"I just woke him up-"

"Why, he doesn't feel good." He yelled before I could finish talking.

"Let me finish, damn. I woke him up to ask if he knew where you all went. He said he was fine, now he is taking a shower."

"Oh, okay. We will be home soon. Bye."

I hung up and looked up at Logan.

I just sat there on my phone for a while then James walked into my room.

"Wanna watch a movie? My cuddle buddy is gone." He said and I smiled patting the bed next to me.

He turned on Aladdin, he said its his favorite old movie.

He got under the covers and sat back, leaning on my head board.

Logan woke up after a few minutes of the movie and got in the bed with me.

"Who that mommy?"

"Aladdin." I said.

"He got monkey." He said tapping James on the arm.

"I know." He said and Logan looked back at the tv.


When the movie ended they still weren't home.

"Do you know when they will be back?" James asked.

"Noah said they were on their way when I talked to him. That was before the movie started."

"I'll call him and ask." He said grabbing his phone off the table.

He called Noah and it ringed a few times before he answered.

"Hey James."

"Hey, where are you guys. Enya and I have already watched a whole movie."

"Yeah, we are sitting at the police station."

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