Chapter 30

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"Enya wake up." Jr said shaking me.

"We have to go get the thing." He said and I sat up.

I got out of bed and went into my bathroom and got ready.

I walked out and Stacy was sitting up looking at her phone.

"Hey can you do me a favor?"


"You are staying here right."

"Yup to help Noah and James seat up."

"Okay, if he wakes up, which he probably won't make sure he stays in here. Three are blows and cereal over there in the cabinet and milk in the fridge and turn on mickey mouse and he will sit still. He also like to brush his teeth on his own."

She nodded and I thanked her. I grabbed my shoes and closed the door on my way out.

I ran down the stairs and Jr was sitting on the couch.

"Is dad home?"

"No, he had to work yesterday. We went to sleep on him so he said bye to us while we were all sleeping. He will be back soon, take his nap and wake up for the party. Come on." He said taking me to his car.

When we got to Walmart we got out and went inside to get his cake.

It was a three layer mickey mouse cake because Aunt Skylynn and uncle Matt and Tez are coming over with their kids of course. So there has to be enough cake for at least all the kids and teenagers.

That's like 1, 5, 10, 13, 18 kids and teenagers put together including Stacy and James. 19 if you count Stacy's baby.

Then there are 7 adults. So I think the cake will be enough.

I made Jr carry it to the cart so we wouldn't drop it then we put it in the back seat in the seat belts so it wouldn't fall over or forward.

We we got to the pet shop I went up to the counter and the guy from yesterday was there.

"Hey, you made it." He said and I smiled.

He took me to the back and got the puppy out for me.

"He is all good to go. You signed everything yesterday so you can look around for treats if you want or you can leave. Your choice." He said handing me his papers.

I nodded and grabbed the little carrier he was in.

I grabbed a bag of treats and those mats they poop and pee on then paid for them and we got back in the car.

When we got back to the house Jr grabbed the cake and I grabbed the puppy and walked inside.

The decorations looked perfect.

"Mommy." Logan yelled crying and I sighed.

"Take him down stairs." I said handing the dog to Noah.

I ran up stairs and went into my room.

Stacy was sitting on my bed trying to get him to watch tv.

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