Chapter 37

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✖Double update✖ so im updating so late, I've been busy all day.


Few days Later.
Jr's POV

"Noah clean up your mess. You have to go to work and so do I so clean up." I yelled and he rolled his eyes going into the kitchen.

Yes I have a job, and its not at a fast food place. Its at Party City and its actually really fun and Subway is next door.

"Dude, shut up. Its too early to be yelling. Noah pick up whatever you need to pick up because I really don't not want him to wake Logan yet."

"I'm done, let's go Jr." He said and I grabbed my jacket.

"Bye, love you." I said giving Enya a kiss then left before she could say anything.

I didn't bother Noah as he was driving and when we were in the parking spot he got out and went inside.

I locked the doors then walked inside party city.

All I do is restock the shelf's throughout the day and eat candy.

Parents are always bringing their bad ass kids inside the store too.

Its like a giant playground.

For every one good child there are like seven bad children running around and knocking stuff off the shelves that I have to pick up over and over and over again.

I would do register but that's even worse because the kids cry when they have to leave.

Party city is not all that fun and they do not need to be crying over it like it is.

"Excuse me, where can I find green leggings for kids?" Some lady asked walking up to me.

"In aisle 8. All the way at the end. There are a bunch of colors. You can't miss them."


I nodded unboxing candy to put on the shelf.

A few hours went by and we weren't busy today so I was sitting at the register with the only person I talk to.


He is cool but I get annoyed sometimes and I just end up walking away from him.

I was actually about to get up and leave but James walked into to the store and I looked at him confused.

"Noah is having trouble breathing and I don't know what to do. Your mom is on her way but she told me to go get you. He is with some lady who said she was a nurse." He said pulling me to subway.

I walked over to him and the lady moved out the way.

"Its hurts." He said.

I was glad he was talking, which means air is going to his lungs, right?

"Mom is on her way. Just take slow deep breaths like mom told us to do." I said sitting on the floor in front of him.

"It still hurts, It's hot and I feel like I have to throw up."

He put his head on my leg and I rubbed his back to calm him down.

When mom got here she walked over to us and sat next to me.

"Where does it hurt?" She asked sitting him up and I sat behind him to keep him up right.

"My throat feels like it is getting tighter and my chest hurts and burns a lot."

She started to touch on his neck and chest then stood up.

"Bring him to the car." She said looking at me.

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