Chapter 35

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Two weeks later.
Enya's POV

This week is mom and Dad's anniversary so they are gone on some trip.

Nothing too expensive but enough to get away from the house for a few days.

James and Noah went on a trip as well.

I guess its an early honey money because they won't have time after the wedding since they start school three days after.

They went to Paris but they had to stop in Jamaica.

They would have went straight to Paris but the plane couldn't fly over the ocean with a rain storm so they went down the map then back up and got there before their original flight.

The twins went to uncle Matt's house and so did Logan so it leaves me and Jr at home alone.

So you know what that means.


Literally that's all I have been watching for the past three days, since everyone left.

Its about two in the afternoon right now and Jr is supposed to be watching movies with me but he keeps going to sleep or goes on his phone.

"Jr wake up." I said shaking him.

"I don't want to watch Cinderella."

"Please, I don't want to be up alone. I'm bored."

He sighed and sat up.

"What can I do to entertain you?"

"Anything, wanna go make lunch with me?"

"Sure, I'm hungry." He said getting up.

We went down to the kitchen and made sandwiches.

"Dude, you know I don't like turkey." He said looking at the meat on the table.

"I don't like turkey either, shouldn't have let me get the roast beef first."

He rolled his eyes and I went into the cabinet and grabbed bags of chips.

"I want-"

"I'm getting the hot chips, I got them out so don't try to take them." I said and he rolled his eyes again.

"Fine, take them." I said and he smiled grabbing them.

We sat at the table eating silently then he looked up at me.


"You aren't talking."

"Because I'm eating, do you want me to talk with my mouth full?"

"No, but you are eating a sandwich. Why is it taking you so long to eat it?"

"I'm a little person, I can only fit so much in my mouth without gagging or chocking on my food."

"Gagging." He said laughing.

"Stop. You are nasty."

"You're the one who said it."

"I'm done eating." I said pushing my plate up a little.

"So I can have it?"


I washed my hands then went up stairs.

I laid back down in his bed and pressed play on my movie.

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