Chapter 25

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When I woke up I looked around and Mikaela wasn't in the tent so she was most likely out side and Logan was just laying there looking at me.

"Hey. Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked sitting up.

I put him on my lap and he looked up at me.

"what's wrong?" I asked and he started crying.

"Logan, stop crying. What's wrong with you?"

I wiped his face off so he would look at me.

"My tummy hurt." He said putting his hand on his chest.

"Awe, let's go get you some water." I said taking him out.

Everyone was up already eating.

"What's wrong with him?" Noah asked.

"His chest hurts." I said grabbing a water and dad walked over to me.

"I'm not going to say anything to mom about yesterday but you have to tell her. I'm not saying that you have to tell her today or tomorrow or even in a year. But don't keep it a secret for too long, okay." I nodded gave him a hug.

"Here drink this." I said giving the water to Logan.

"It cold." He cried pushing it away and I grabbed one that wasn't cold.


I walked over to my chair and sat down.

I started to kick the dirt with my shoe for a while because I was thinking about nothing but still I was thinking and I wasn't really paying attention.

"Enya." Noah yelled


"We have been talking to you for like three minutes and you aren't listening."

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."

"Like I was saying. I don't know what we are doing today so you guys need to think of something." Dad said and I looked at the boys.

"Let's go hiking until we get lost." Jr said.

"No, how about we just go hiking." I said and everyone nodded.

"When are we going?" Noah asked.

"Maybe an hour." Dad said and I nodded.

I looked down at Logan and he was spitting water back into his water.

I guess he feels better.

"Stop doing that." I said and he spit it out on the ground.

"Ew, I need to brush my teeth." I said putting him down to get our stuff.

I brushed both of our teeth then put my stuff back.

"I'm going to the bathroom, if you need to go then come on." Mom said and dad followed her with the twins.

"Papa. You leave me." Logan yelled sitting in the dirt and dad turned around.

"Logan go with him before he leaves you." I said and he got up and ran over to him.

I got up and grabbed a granola bar then walked back to my tent to go inside but that didn't happened.

Jr picked me up and started to spin around.

I don't like spinning or being dizzy so I wasn't laughing and he noticed and put me down.

"Hey, are you still mad at us?"

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