Chapter 16

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Enya's POV

When I woke up after my nap Logan was in his bed and it was really quiet in the house.

I got up and walked down the hall and everyone was asleep.

I went into Jr's room and walked over to his bed.

I leaned down looking at his face.

"Jr." I whispered yelled then slapped him and he sat up and grabbed my arm.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Waking you up."


"Because everyone is asleep. Want to talk now?"

"Get the fuck out Enya. I tried to talk to you earlier and you said no, so bye. Talk to me when I don't have an attitude." He said mocking me but I shrugged and went into Noah's room.

"Noah, wake up." I said shaking him and he turned over.

"What? Where is James?"

"He had to go, his mom called or something like that." I said and hr picked his phone.

"Hold on." He said calling someone and I sat down next to him.

"Who are you calling?"

"James. He called me earlier but I was sleep."


He nodded and I swung my legs back and forth.

"Hello?" James said. His phone is a little too loud but he switched to facetime so I was going to hear him regardless.

"Hey, why did you leave?"

"My mom said to come home. I told Enya to tell you."

"She did be she was acting like she didn't know if she was right or not so I just called you back."

"Oh, I can come back over now. I just didn't know if you were up or not."

"I'm up now. Why is everyone else asleep its only like nine."

"I'm guessing dad made the little ones go to sleep and Jr went to sleep because no one else was up I guess."

"Oh, want to go watch a movie until he gets here?"

"Can we watch the little mermaid?"

"Yeah, come on." He said.

"Enya, just so we are clear. You can't cuddle with him when I get there." James said and I smiled.

"I will get all up in his bubble with you in front of us James. Do not try me."

"Yeah okay." He said laughing.

"Call me when you're outside okay."

"Okay, I love you, bye."

"Love you too, Bye." Noah said blushing and I smiled poking his cheeks.

"Awe, your blushing." I said and he hit my hand away.

"Stop." He said And I jumped on his back and we went down stairs to the basement and turned on the movie.

After maybe 15 minutes James called saying he was outside so I went upstairs and opened the door for him and locked it then we went down stairs and basically raced to Noah and I won't because I was backing laying on top of him.

"Enya stop." James said pulling my legs to make me get up.

"The couch let's out to a bed and I will lay in the middle. I know you guys love me but really, are we going to fight over me?"

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