Chapter 14

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Enya's POV

Its been a few days since Noah went missing.

Mom has been a wreck, dad doesn't talk to us, Jr is depressed, the little twins keep asking about him and why he isn't home and I can't deal with it anymore.

When I woke up I made the kids breakfast and sat down with them.

I kept them happy and kept their minds from wondering back to Noah. I do what ever I can to keep them from being bored.

"Enya, can we go to the park today?" Matthew asked.

"No." Dad said walking into the kitchen.

"I will make a game up for us to play." I said kissing his cheek.

We haven't left the house at all for the pass four days.

Dad is the only one who can leave.

"Finish eating, I will back." I said and they nodded.

I went upstairs to Jr and he looked at me.

"Hey." I whispered and he  smiled a little.

"I miss him." He said and I sat next to him.

"We all do."

"I know but he is my twin. Our birthday is in less than a week. I don't want to spend it with out him. I'm not turning 19 without him next to me."

"Dad is going to find him." I said grabbing his hands and he started crying.

I let him cry on my shoulder until he was to tired to get up. I laid him down and put his covers over his then kissed hissed his cheek.

I sighed turning to the door and mom stood there.

"Hey." I said walking over to her.

"Come here." She said closing his room door behind me and I followed her.


"I know your trying to be strong and all that-" she said pausing so she could close my room door, then she started again.

"But you do know its okay to cry right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Then why haven't you?"

"Because someone has to be strong around the kids." I said stuttering over my words a little but I don't think she noticed.

"You can't keep it bottled up Enya." She said lifting my head up to look at her.

"I don't want to think about it mom, or talk about it." I said standing.

"Please just sit down and talk to me." She said wiping her face and just watching her cry made me cry.

"Mom, dad is going to find him right?"

"Yes, he hasn't stopped and I'm sure he isn't going to stop any time soon." She said hugging me.

"I'm going to go back down stairs to play with the kids." I said after crying for almost twenty minutes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I said smiling and she nodded.

Went went down stairs to the living room and told the kids we were going to color.

They all grabbed a coloring book and a box of crayons.

"Mommy look I color the doggy for you." Logan  said pointing to the scribbles all over the picture.

"Thank you." I said and he gave me a hug.

Someone started knocking on the door scaring me, I was two busy thinking to myself to pay attention to my surroundings.

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