Chapter 13

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Enya's POV

"Enya wake up. We have to go somewhere." Jr said shaking me and I sat up.

"Why, what happen? Is mom okay?"

"Yeah, dad is um, just come on." He said throwing clothes at me.

"No Jr, tell me." I said and he walked over to me still sitting on his bed.

He crouched down in front of me and started talking.

"Dad um, he got hurt. Mom is upset and they are at the hospital and they can't find Noah." He said and I started to put clothes on over the clothes I already had on.

"Are you messing with me again Jr because you were just messing with me like two hours before I came to lay down with you and Logan."

"Enya I'm not joking, dad was shot and we have to go." He yelled and I stood there in shock.

"Fuck, I wasn't supposed to say that. Don't cry, he is still alive." He said hugging me and I started sobbing.

"Enya, please calm down. We have to get the kids in the car." He said picking up Logan.

"Where is Noah?"

"I don't know Enya, please stop asking questions. Take Logan and  go stand by the door. I'm going to get the twins and you are going to stop crying so they don't question why you are crying." He said forcing me down the stairs.

I put my shoes on and put a blanket around Logan, who was sleeping still.

When he came down stairs he was holding both of the twins and I locked the door on the way out.

We buckled the kids in then got in the front.

"Is dad-"

"Stop please. I want to drive to the hospital with out a distraction." He said stopping in the middle of the road.

"I'm sorry I'm just worried." I said wiping my eyes and he sighed as cars started to honk their horns but he ignored them.

"Look, we can talk or do whatever you want when we get to the waiting room but right now I need you to be quiet." He said and I nodded.

He started driving again and when we got to the hospital we got the kids out and walked into the emergency room.

When we walked in I started looking for mom but Jr found her before I did.

We put the kids in a chair together and she gave us a hug.

"What happen to dad, well why did he get shot?" I asked looking at her and she sighed.

"I'm not sure, he told me to stay in the car and when he came back he was bleeding. He has been shot at before, way before he became a police officer."

"Why don't you guys tell us any of this?"

"Because we don't want you to worry about us, its our job to worry about you five, and six when she gets here."

"Awe your having a girl, now we will be even in the house." I said and she smiled.

"Benjamin Grier." Some nurse said and we turned to her and stood up.

"Is he out of surgery?" Mom asked and the lady smiled while nodding.

"He is asking for Madison, the wife and I'm guessing that is you." She said looking at mom.

"How long is he going to be up before he goes back to sleep from medicine?"

"Maybe an hour and a half but he wishes to go home. We can't make him stay after surgery is done."

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