Chapter 38

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Week Later.
Enya's POV

Its been a few days since the last time I went to see Noah, but James has been with him and I call him everyday.

Jr has been going to work all week and so have I but we get off three hours apart, dad comes to get me and Jr drives his car but he gets home really late and he won't tell me why.

I don't want to think he is cheating but he won't tell me and he is gone almost everyday.

Today I don't have to work so I'm waiting for Jr to get home because he promised Logan we would take him to the pool with Matthew and Mikaela.

He has promised all three of them that we would go. He said that four days ago and today is the fifth day.

They keep asking me to take them but I can't go alone and we don't have the slides and kiddy pool in our pool in the back yard.

I can't watch all three of them anyways and I'm just really annoyed with him.

"Mommy, we go to swim today?"

"We have to wait for daddy to come back." I said picking him up.

"Enya, we want to go on the slides. Why can't we go without Jr. He messes up everything." Mikaela said crossing her arms.

"Okay, if we go you all need to listen to me and stay in the kid area."

They nodded and I got up.

"Go get dressed, if you need help come to my room."

They nodded and I got dressed with Logan.

I put extra clothes for us in a bag with shampoo.

"Mommy, we go swim now?"

"Yeah, let's go talk to Momma?" I said taking him down the hall.

"Mom, can I take the kids to the pool?"

"Yeah, where is Jr?"

"I don't know. He said we could take the kids a few days ago but he never comes home on time and I'm tired of it. These kids have been waiting and we never get to go because of him."

"Okay, be careful driving okay?" She said and I nodded.

I went into the twins room and they were sitting on the bed.

I got them some extra clothes together and put it in the bag then took them down stairs.

I put lunchables in a bag with juices and other snacks while the kids put on their shoes.

I grabbed my phone and wallet off the counter and grabbed my keys off the hook.

"Come on, let's go get in the car." I said unlocking the front door.

I took their seats out of moms car and put them in mine then buckled them in.

I went back to lock the front door then got back in the car and drove towards the pool.

When we got to the pool I carried Logan and held the kids hands.

"Mommy look, its a slide." Logan yelled smiling.

I smiled poking his sides as we were standing in line.

He looked so happy, and he kept yelling and pointing at new stuff as I walked around to find chairs which was very hard.

I only found two so the twins shared one and Logan and I shared.

"Put your clothes on the chairs with your towel and put your shoes under it."

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