Chapter 21: Look...

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"What the hell do you want Carl? Let me go." I said with bitterness in my voice.
He closes his eye and breathes in, then let's it out slowly.
He opens his eye. "Look... I know that you're pissed at me right now, so... Maybe we should take a break. You know, not see each other so much..."
I felt my stomach tie in a knot. "Wh... What?"
"Enid, every time when I'm with you, we fight. A lot... And I don't like it. I bet you don't like it either." He says while rubbing my hand in his.
I bite my bottom lip softly, and nodded.
He's right... I hate it when we both fight and argue with each other...
"Maybe we should take a break..." I mutter, and I felt him pull me in a hug, wrapping an arm around me.
I wrapped both of my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder.
A second went by.
And that second turned into five seconds.
Ten seconds.
Twenty seconds.
Fifty seconds...
One minute... Two minutes...
Five minutes...
We let go after another few seconds went by and his eye was staring into mine, and the corners of his lips rose in a smile.
I smiled as well, pulling him in for another hug and closing my eyes.
I let go after a minute and looked towards the door.
"Do you want to take a little walk?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yeah."
We both walked to the door and went outside, only to see tons of walkers heading our way!
"Carl!" I heard Rick shout from the left.
"Enid! Come on!" Maggie and Glenn yelled from the right.
I looked at Carl and saw that he had fear in his eye.
I looked forward and saw five walkers heading towards us...
"Go." I heard Carl say in my ear.
I turned my head towards him. "What? Are you crazy?!"
Just then, I felt him shove me to the right, towards Glenn and Maggie, as he ran towards Rick.
"No!" I screamed, making the walkers turn towards me.
"I'll be okay! Just go!" I heard him shout.
Glenn grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the walkers.
I looked back to find Carl, but he was nowhere to be seen.
We ran towards, into, and through the woods for a few minutes until we ran out of breath.
Abraham, Rosita, Michonne, Carol, and Tara were with us while the rest were with Rick.
I didn't see Jennie anywhere...
She must be with Rick...
She better not hurt Carl. If she does, I'll murder her.
"I hope he's alright..." I mutter to myself.
I felt a hand placed on my shoulder and looked back, seeing Michonne.
"He'll be fine Enid. He knows how to take care of himself. We'll see him again soon." She says with a smile.
I give her a small smile. "I hope you're right."
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