22- On The Hotness Scale

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I'M EXTREMELY NERVOUS when I walk towards my seat in the cafeteria. The tray in my hand is shaking out of fear and I'm breathing quickly. Nicky doesn't know that Tonia's going to sit with us, and when she finds out I'm scared to see how she'll react.

Nicky is the only one at the table when I first get there. I dump my tray next to her and sit down. Nicky turns to me.

"Did she say anything?" Nicky asks and I remember her telling me that Nicky was a liar.

I shake my head. "No." I feel bad for lying but it's for everyone's safety.

"Well, hello again, lovebirds." Big Boo sings lightly as she sits down across from us.

"Hey." Nicky says pleasantly. If only she knew her mood was about to go crashing down real fast.

"Hi." Tonia sounds like a mouse when she approaches us. Big Boo greets her and scoots over to make more room for her. She sits across from me.

I see the anger in Nicky's face almost immediately. Her hand balls up into a fist next to her tray. I quickly grab it and put it on my lap, undoing the fist and forcing my fingers between hers.

"I better go line up." Tonia says after she senses the tension in the air. As soon as she has left, Nicky sends her daggers towards Boo with her eyes.

"What is she doing here?" Nicky says with gritted teeth, her left eye twitching out of controlled rage. If I were Boo right now, I'd be terrified.

"That girl is worth a five." Boo says and Nicky's hand squeezes my fingers so hard that it actually hurts. I try to ignore it even though I'm tempted to scream in pain.

"A five?" I ask confused.

"On the hotness scale." Nicky tells me a little too quickly, her eyes still on Boo.

"Oh...okay." I say. "What am I on the hotness scale?"

"You know, we never discussed that." Boo tells me before looking at Nicky again. "What is she on the hotness scale, Nicky?"

Nicky is fuming. I can almost see the steam escaping her ears.

"Shut the fuck up, Boo. Not now." I don't think I've ever seen Nicky this angry before. Not even when she was mad at Tricia.

"I'm really confused..." Why was it so hard for Nicky to rate me? Am I that ugly?

"I'm not playing this game anymore. It's done."

Big Boo leans back, stretching her arms behind her head. "If you forfeit, I win."

"Win what?" I ask but I'm completely ignored once again.

"Fine. I don't care anymore." Nicky says as she glares at Boo even harder.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?!" I exclaim, now angry myself.

Boo looks at me. "If you really want to know, why don't you check under Nicky's bed?"

I look at Nicky, who begs me not to with her eyes. I look back at Boo who nods at me with a small smile.

I stand up and go to walk but I'm pulled back by Nicky. "Evie, please."

"Let go of me." I say as I try taking Nicky's grip off my hand.

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