35- Don't Be Embarrassed, It's A Lovely--

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THE NEXT TWO weeks are a blur. Almost every minute of my day is spent with Ryder, and the only time I get to escape from him is when I use the bathroom or go to bed. I haven't shaved in those two weeks and I'm feeling more like a gorilla than a human being. They won't let me use any razors in fear that I'll do what I did before again.

I haven't had the urge since then, seeing as I was already in pain due to the stitches still healing, but of course they don't believe me.

So I've resorted to getting a wax by Sophia. I've never had one before because the thought of a hundred hairs being ripped out of your skin at once sounds way worse than plucking which I already find painful enough.

And unfortunately, Ryder has to come with me. He's like a little brother, having to drag him around everywhere. He's the one that should be taking care of me but the roles feel reversed.

When we walk into the salon, Sophia looks startled to see a CO following me. She must feel like this room shelters her from the prison, so having a CO walk in here is like having your family walk into your bedroom.

"What can I do for you, Eves?" Sophia asks as she reaches out and touches my hair, examine the split ends.

"Do you do waxing?" I ask nervously. I don't know why I'm so anxious, this is a completely normal request.

"Of course. What do you need done?"

I bite my bottom lip. Ryder's presence is making me even more uncomfortable.

"Everything..." My voice is quiet and Sophia looks like she has just come to the realization, her eyes falling on my bandages.

"Come with me." She says gently, and I nod before moving to follow her. "Uh-uh. No boys allowed." She suddenly stops, waving her finger at Ryder. I smile in relief.

"Isn't that funny? Because aren't you a-"

"Ryder!" I suddenly screech, shocked at what he was about to say.

Sophia chuckles. "It's okay, Evie. And no, not anymore. I thought you were smart enough to notice."

"Just stay here," I say with a glare, and Ryder huffs before collapsing on the black leather sofa.

I follow Sophia into a separate room. It's small but it has everything it needs. She instructs me to sit on the table that is lined with a blue towel. As I do so, I'm suddenly hit with anxiety again. I'm worried that this will hurt so bad that I'll scream or pass out.

Within a minute, Sophia is using an ice cream stick to slide on a yellow-tinted wax that is hot and sticky onto my leg. It feels soothing so far, letting the wax warm my skin up.

"Did you buy this stuff?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Sophia dabs at the wax with her burgundy fingernail, feeling if it's dry enough.

"Nope, I make it myself using mostly sugar. Best part is that I don't need any strips to take it off." Without warning, she rips it off and I gasp, drawing my leg up to my chin. Sophia chuckles at my reaction before disposing of the wax.

"Okay... That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." I admit, panting slightly.

"Trust me, honey, that's the least painful part of the leg." She tells me and I wish she hadn't. My horrified look sends her into another fit of laughter.

"How much do you want done?" She asks as she coats over my ankle.

"My thigh as well, please. Oh, and my armpits and uh, you know." I gesture to my crotch.

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