29- Good Bye

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I PATHETICALLY WADDLE behind Nicky, both relieved and terrified. Not necessarily of Tonia, but of her. I know she's fuming, and I'm sick of always causing her to feel that way towards me. All Nicky and I do is fight then kiss. It's a never ending cycle and we aren't even together.

"Thank you." I finally say as I catch up to her, walking side by side.

"Nicky?" I say after a few moments of silence. She doesn't even look at me.

"What?" She says harshly.

"Did you and Tonia...have something?" I might as well spit it all out now while she's already angry at me, even though I don't know why. It's not like I let Tonia do those things to me. I didn't know it was her and if I did, there would be no chance.

"No." She replied.

I don't believe her, but I decide to remain silent. Before we reach the shed, I notice a CO standing across the field, assessing the scenery. I squint my eyes to get a better look at the unfamiliar man. He's gorgeous. I'm not even straight but he's enough to turn me. He has the most defined jawline I've ever seen, finished nicely with some light stubble. His chocolate brown hair is styled into a swift man-bun that he can pull off so well. Even through his uniform, I can see his thick muscular arms.

"Who's that?" I ask, making Nicky stop dead in her tracks.

"That's the new CO. Ryder, I think his name is." Luschek says from behind us, probably to chase us up on the toolbox.

"How fitting." Nicky says bitterly and we watch as Ryder slowly walks the yard.

"Where's the toolbox, Connor?" Luschek says just as I expected.

"Tonia's getting it." Nicky replies for me.

Luschek rolls his eyes and follows Nicky into the shed. I take one last glance at Ryder before following.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" I ask nervously.

Nicky stops walking and turns around to face me. "No, of course not. Why would you think that?" She replies but something tells me she's lying.

"I don't know..."

"Look, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at her. For what she's done to you. But, I also warned you multiple times about her, yet every single time you don't listen."

I feel ashamed at myself as I listen to her. "I know. I'm sorry, but it's just hard for me to hate people. But I get it, from now on I'm never talking to her every again." I say.

Nicky gives me a weak smile before turning around to walk away, leaving me standing there on my own.

I STARE AT my fixed tooth in the mirror of the bathroom. It doesn't look fake at all, in fact it looks even better than the original.

Finally, I can feel like a normal person again. It's been a hard time trying my hardest not to smile too wide in fear of exposing the gaping hole of my gums.

I walk out of the bathroom only to be immediately stopped by the last person I ever want to see.

"Evie, we need to talk." Tonia says urgently, her eyes bloodshot and her skin paler than ever. I haven't seen her around since the incident last week, and I'd been hoping I'd never again.

"Get out of my way." I reply harshly as I try to walk around her but she steps in front of me, blocking my way. I huff in annoyance and stare at her with straight lips.

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