26- Inappropriate Touching

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"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK." Nicky repeats under her breath, slamming her head against the grass. I try to remain calm, feeling confident knowing that the bag is between my legs, somewhere he isn't allowed to search here. I hope.

Pornstache wiggles his moustache when he reaches me, hands resting on his belt. He stares down at me as if he knows exactly what I'm up to. I keep a blank look on my face but inside I'm screaming.

He suddenly speaks. "Stand up, inmate."

I get to my feet slowly, sending Nicky a reassuring look as I rise.

"Put your arms out." He says, and I obey. I lift my arms and he begins searching my waist, tapping extra hard. I wince at the feeling. He touches along my arms, back, shoulders and then his grimy hands trail down my waist again until he reached the top of my ass.

Pornstache steps closer towards me, his body against mine. "You think I don't know what you're up to?" He asks, his breath itching my earlobe. I'm about to deny it but his hands are tucked under the band of my pants. I gasp at his cold hands against my bare skin, and also the fact that his hands are practically down my pants.

Nicky watches horrified, unable to do anything. She looks like she could pounce any second now, but I shake my head and give her a reassuring smile.

"It's in the front, isn't it?" He asks, sounding amused.

I still remain calm. "What're you going to do? Finger me?"

He pulls away, frustration glazing his face now.

I can't believe I said that. Not only did I just give away the truth, but he may actually do it.

And I'm right.

Once again, he presses his body against me and his hand goes straight down the front of my pants. I nearly scream, but I don't when I see Mr Caputo coming towards us, looking very unimpressed.

"Mendez!" He yells, voice startling Pornstache.

I've never seen someone jump so bad in my entire life. He pulls his hands out of my pants empty-handed before turning to face Caputo with a nervous smile.

"Hey there, Mr Caputo." He says, still praying that Caputo didn't actually see what happened.

But the way Caputo looked at him, with absolute disgust, we all knew he did.

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?!"

Pornstache stumbles on his words. He gestures to me and I look at Caputo with a terrified expression.

"Mr Caputo, it's not the first time he's done it." I say.

Mr Caputo slowly turns his head to Pornstache, who seems to be lost for words.

"Come with me. Now!" He orders before walking off.

Pornstache shoots me a look of absolute hate, and finally follows Caputo around the corner. 

Nicky stands up as I exhale in relief. She comes towards me. "I can't believe he did that. I can't believe you did that!" She says, practically laughing.

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