3- You're Living In The Wrong Decade

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"TWO SERVINGS OF maple pancakes and a bacon and egg sandwich." I repeat the order to the male customer who sits alone on a table for two.

"And a large chocolate milkshake."

"Right, sorry. And a large chocolate milkshake." I scribble onto my notepad before heading off to the kitchen. I hang the order up for the chef to see. When I turn back around, I see the same customer with his hand up. I groan to myself but shove a smile on my face as I walk towards the pushy and least liked customer.

"Yes sir?"

"I have a complaint." He says even though he hasn't even received his order yet.

"And what's that?"

I follow the chubby man's finger which points to two girls sitting in one of the booths, laughing. One girl is smaller, with dark skin and short hair that is closely shaved. She has a big smile. I stare at them confused. What is the problem? They look like two close friends having a good time.

"And your complaint?"

"They're lesbians."

I feel sick to my stomach as I look back at the man.

"That's not a worthy complaint." I tell him.

"It is if it's making me lose my appetite." He replies as he pats his pot belly.

"What gives you the impression that they're lovers, sir?" I ask as I watch them. They're not kissing or anything, just laughing and talking.

"I saw them holding hands under the table. Absolutely revolting. I want them out of here."

I feel anger bubble up inside of me but I keep it cool on the outside. I pull out the chair across from the man and sit down, bringing my hands together under my chin.

"I think I know what your problem is." I begin, and the man stares at me with his hateful eyes.

"You're jealous. You're jealous that they're in a relationship while every woman you ever ask out either rejects you or is literally a pig. Now, I know this because you've been coming here nearly everyday for three and a half years, and not once has anyone ever joined you for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I've witnessed you in your most drunken times when you stumble in here complaining about your love life and how you haven't had sex in over ten years. You even told me that you put a hole in one of your teddy bears and fucked it, but I don't think you remember that." The man's eye widen and his mouth drops.

"Now, if you want to know what is disgusting, it'd be you and what you do in your spare time. You're jealous that those two girls aren't all over you but instead all over each other. It's 2013 and you're living in the wrong decade." I stand up and walk over to him, bringing my lips to his ears.

"So, I suggest you leave or else have fun watching those two lesbians touch each other under the table and visualising them rubbing their pussies together." I whisper with my teeth gritted.

Adrenaline courses through my body as I quickly walk back to the front counter where another worker is. Chelsea stands wiping a cup in her hand dry. I didn't even notice I was shaking in rage.

"Jesus Christ, what was all that about?" Chelsea asks as we watch the man leave the diner before his food comes out.

"Homophobic asshole. I just don't get why it's wrong for some people to love each other." My voice sounds sad as I watch the couple sitting in the booth. They look happy, much happier than what a male and female would look like together.

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