36- The Best Way I Know How

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"EVIE, PLEASE COME out." My little sister calls from the other side of the door that I've locked, trapping myself inside the toilet stall. I'm hyperventilating, the image of Millie wearing the well known orange outfit sending me spiralling.

"I thought you'd be excited." Millie tries but that only makes me even more panicked. My whole body is numb as I sit on the covered toilet seat, gripping the walls on either side of me and trying to breathe.

"You're not actually here." I say out loud, telling myself that it's just a hallucination, and in reality I'm running away from a very confused inmate.

"You wish I wasn't." By the tone of Millie's voice, I can tell she finds this amusing.

"I-I can't believe you would-" I gasp for air, tears stinging my eyes. "A-After all I've done for you."

"How about you get out from there and we will talk?" It was suddenly silent between us, before Millie quietly spoke. "And there's a chick staring at me."

I violently unlock the door and pull it open, causing Millie to stumble as she had been leaning against it. I speed walk straight past her, staring straight ahead. Unfortunately she follows me, jogging as she tries to keep up with my pace.

"No running!" A CO scolds and she immediately changes into a walk.

"Sheesh, are they always that strict?" She asks me as if we are on best terms right now.

"Eves-" When I feel Millie's hand tug on my arm, forcing me to slow down, I don't think twice about swiftly turning around and slapping her across the cheek. The sound is loud and my hand feels prickly. I know I hit her hard, judging by the red mark on her face and the tears in her eyes.

Every inmate freezes, staring at us with both shock and amusement.

"How could you?!" I scream in her face so loud that my voice barely sounds human. If there were windows around us, there is no doubt that they would of shattered by the strength of my voice containing raw emotion.

Millie bursts into tears, cupping her own cheek that was redder than a grapefruit.

I look up and over her shoulder, staring straight into Nicky's eyes who watches with a concerned look.

"I'm so sorry!" Millie sobs, and I can't take the sound any longer and flee the scene.

I CAN'T STOP crying as I sit on my bed, holding my face with my hands filled with tears.

All my life, I've worked hard. Taking up multiple jobs to pay for my tuition in studying law, something I can never do again. It was never easy, and when I had finally reached my lifetime goal it had completely crumbled away like shortbread.

And no matter how hard I tried, she still ended up in here.

The worst part was that she did it on purpose.

I threw my life away for nothing. What was the point? The whole idea was so that Millie wouldn't end up in here yet here she was, running around with a proud smile on her face.

The mattress dipped and I immediately peaked past my hands, expecting it to be Millie. Instead, it's someone who also ruined my life.

"So, that's your sister, huh?" She says lightheartedly and I grimace at her.

"The one that you took a bullet for, basically." Nicky says slowly, as if she's processing what I did in her mind. "You know, she looks just like you."

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