37- I Am A Sexual Steve Jobs

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"WHAT DO you mean no? You can't say no." I cross my arms.

"I'm not having sex with you in front of your sister."

"So you don't want to have sex with me period?"

"Of course I do, I am a sexual Steve Jobs." Nicky chuckles at her own joke but I don't crack a smile.

"This is the least you can do for me, Nicky." I tell her. My eyes bore into hers, hoping that I'll make her feel nervous or something.

"I'll have sex with you any time, just not in front of your newly eighteen-year-old sister."

I can't believe the fact that Nicky thinks it's sick to do that to a legal adult. If she wasn't my sister, I just know Nicky would be in her pants the minute she lays eye on her.

"She's the devil's spawn. She deserves it." When Nicky doesn't respond immediately, I continue. "She's completely ruined my life, and I don't mean just now I mean forever. Once I'm out of here, if I'm ever out of here, life will never go back to normal."

"For the last time, no!" Was Nicky's only response.

I feel my bottom lip begin to quiver and tears spring to my eyes. "If you care about me, if you ever cared about me, you would do this for me."

I see a change in Nicky's face. She looks like she's contemplating it, her eyes darting around the room as she thinks.

"Alright! Fine! But on one condition." Immediately, a smile grows on my face and the tears in my eyes wither away. "We have to go back to the way it was."

My smile falters. I don't think I can go back to the way it was exactly, but right now Millie was the problem, not Nicky.

"Meet me in the showers in ten minutes, okay?" I say, backing away. Nicky nods in response.

I take a sharp breath in as I walk to the bathrooms. I'm dreading and looking forward to this at the same time.

"HOW MUCH LONGER do you think she'll be?" Nicky asks from behind me, standing at the far back of the stall while I peak out the curtain, my eyes peeled for Millie.

"Millie always takes showers in the morning. Breakfast is in an hour, meaning she'll be here soon." I say, mostly to myself.

"An hour? My legs are already hurting." Nicky squats down, holding her towel tightly around her body.

"I'll wait here all fucking day if I have to." I snap, keeping my eyes in front of me.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to this. It's just that I can't wait any longer." She comes up from behind me, kissing the back of my bare shoulder.

I close my eyes, letting her grope my breasts through the thin white towel under my arms like a bandeau.


She pinches at my nipples gently, triggering a moan that I didn't see coming. "Fuck." I mutter when I realize just how loud I was being. Nicky chuckles against my neck.

"Do that again, babe."

The huskiness in her voice sends tingles down my body, stopping between my legs. Her hair tickles my back, reminding me that she is real and she is right against me, ready for me.

"Oh, fuck it." I give up on waiting for Millie, and quite frankly I don't care if she's coming or not. All I want is Nicky, and for her to relieve the tension between my thighs.

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