Prologue: It's Just Exhaustion.

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Niall tried to push his way through the Paps that surrounded him, as his breathing escalated heralding the triggering of his claustrophobia. He'd just got off the plane at LAX following a long flight from London. He'd had a busy week following the Open Golf Championships in Northern Ireland and he felt sick and drained and just wanted to get to his hotel and sleep. The press were having none of it and crowded around him until airport staff were able to shepherd him away into a private area. Niall took deep breaths, letting air flood into his aching lungs.

Niall woke slowly as light began to flood the room. He'd slept all night but still felt like he could sleep for days. He flung back the bedding and slowly got out of bed, hissing slightly as he felt pain in his knee joints. Actually, he thought, all his joints hurt, feeling hot and stiff. Maybe a hot shower would ease them? He stumbled towards the bathroom and turned the shower, stripping of his sweatpants as the steam from the shower built up. He stepped under the hot water and sighed with relief as the heat began to penetrate his aching body.

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