"I'm Scared, So Scared

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Louis continued to hold Niall, rocking his slight body in his arms, until he felt his friend slump slightly. Louis carefully laid Niall back down on the bed where he lay,  exhausted and breathing heavily. The nurse that had been with Niall had left only to return with a covered tray in her hand. She mouthed 'sedative' to Louis who nodded in response. She swiftly slid the needle into Niall's arm and stood back, waiting for it to begin to take effect. The moment he was quiet, she set about reattaching the monitors to his body. Once that was accomplished, his hand was cleaned up from where he had ripped out the canula. It was reinserted and the iV set going once more.

"He'll be out of it for the rest of the day" the nurse spoke softly. "Poor lamb. I didn't mean to upset him but these things need to be done. At least I can deal with the catheter without him getting worked up."

"I'll...ah..just leave you to it then" Louis winced at the thought of the catheter being inserted . " I want to stay though, when you're finished, if that's ok?" Louis then  asked.

"That's fine. He'll be asleep but you're more than welcome to stay." the nurse smiled at him then started bustling about, getting everything ready. Louis scurried out of the room, eyebrows drawn together as he started to think of anything that would help Niall. He hated to see his friend upset like this.

"Li, he totally lost it. I'm telling you! He was pulling off all the wires and the iV. Blood was pouring out of his arm where he just ripped the canula off. I just don't know what to do. It was so unlike Niall. I mean, I know he hates being sick but he's never acted out like that before" Louis told Liam as he paced up and down outside the hospital, phone held to his ear as he puffed on a cigarette. "It was scary, bro. I don't know what to do."

"He must be petrified himself, Tommo. You've spoken to the doctor?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, earlier. He suggested Niall do some kind of therapy but Ni's not keen. But this outburst was about being washed and stuff, not about the Lupus." Louis said.

"Mate, it is about the Lupus. Sure he was yelling about basic care but that's not what was bothering him. It was more he's got to the end of his tether." Liam explained. "He's scared and he can't control what's happening. How would you feel?"

"Yeah, I see your point" Louis said , agreeing. "Look, I know he said he doesn't want his family here but maybe it would help. What ya' think?"

"Maura will fuss, bless her , and Niall would hate that. Maybe see if Bobby could come? He's always been able to talk with Nialler." Liam suggested, making Louis nod his head."I'll call him, then."

The next few days passed quietly for Niall. He had finally stopped  actively fighting every thing the medical staff were doing to help him but he still remained depressed and unresponsive to people around him. He'd shut down to the extent where he even asked the other lads not to visit him. He switched off the TV, his only company when the nurses were not with him and curled up on his side waiting for sleep to claim him, which eventually it did, allowing time to slip away from him.

It was a rustling sound that eventually broke into Niall's slumbers and he uncurled himself and slowly stretched before fumbling for the controls to raise his bed up into a sitting position. He blinked hard to clear his vision and focused on the man sitting in a chair next to his bed. He stared into eyes as blue as his own and a smile suddenly wreathed his face.

"Da!" Niall shouted in surprised delight. "Da, it's good to see you". He suddenly frowned as he took in his father's grim expression. "Da?" he said hesitantly  "What's the matter. Is Ma OK? Greg, Theo,Denise  ...?" Niall was suddenly anxious as to why Bobby was sat opposed him, grim faced.

"They're fine" Bobby answered briefly in a flat voice.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but......" Niall  said, shrinking back against his pillows as he took in his father's annoyed expression "but.ah..why are you here?"

"I am here because you are acting like a spoilt little brat , Niall James Horan, and I am going to spank your a*se for you if you don't shape up and shape up right now" Bobby said coldly as he stood up and moved closer to his son who now was gaping at him, mouth open in shock at his father's words.

"I..I....." Niall gulped nervously. Bobby was the mildest, most gentle of men, but both Greg and Niall had learnt that when he decided to lay down the law, they knew they had better obey, and obey quickly.

"You've made life difficult for the doctors and nurses, you've been rude to your mates and you've acted like a brat. And it stops now, Niall. Do I make myself clear?" Bobby roared. Tears filled Niall's blue eyes as he listened to his father. He felt guilty. He knew he'd been acting out but somehow he'd not been able to stop himself doing it. "Oh Niall" Bobby sighed as he pulled his youngest son in for a hug. "Everyone just wants to help you, son. Why are you making it so difficult for them. eh?"

"I'm scared, so scared" Niall whispered. "Da........help me"

"One day at a time, son. We'll get it figured out. But you have to stop fighting everyone and accept help.OK?" Bobby said, his tone now gentle. He rubbed Niall's back as he spoke. "How about we start now? Get Doctor Carter in for a chat?" he suggested.

"Will you stay, Da?" Niall asked, nervously

"I will, as long as you want. And Nialler?" Bobby grinned "It will be better before you're married" making his son grin at the Irish expression all mothers used when their children complained of bruises or cuts.

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