A Chance......A Very Slim One

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Maura had woken up  far too early, feeling a vague sense of disquiet. It's the unfamiliar surroundings, she told herself as she washed and dressed before making her way downstairs . Liam was already awake himself, hair tousled from his sleep, brown eyes still blurry, as he padded about his kitchen. He smiled as Maura walked in. "Tea ? Coffee?" he asked.

"Tea, please" Maura gave him a small smile then thanked him as he handed her the cup of tea. He waved a hand at the kitchen table and Maura sat down, Liam joining her. They conversed quietly then both jumped when the house phone began to shrill.Liam looked at his watch then at Maura. It was still very early, not even 5am. Liam swallowed then snatched up the phone . His face went white as he listened then spoke.

"We're coming now" Liam terminated the call then looked at Maura, his face anxious. "It was the hospital. Niall's been rushed into surgery. They say it's serious". 

"My baby" Maura whispered as she stood then swayed alarmingly before fainting. Liam reached her in time to lower her to the floor then panicked, not know what to do. He looked desperately around the kitchen then grabbed a glass , filling it with cold water from the faucet and taking it to the prostrate woman. He lifted her head  and shoulders gently as her eyes fluttered open.

"Sip this" he encouraged and Maura obeyed. Slowly,  a little color returned to her face.  "Maura, can you stand? We've got to get to the hospital" Maura nodded and Liam helped her carefully to her feet,. Keeping his arm around her, he guided her to the front door, grabbing his keys and wallet off the Hallway table as they passed.

The surgeon had soft music playing . He found listening to music while he operated helped him concentrate in a weird sort of way.

"Forceps" the nurse handed them to him.

"Retractors" again he was passed the instruments he required.


"Blood Pressure dropping" another voice speaks."We're losing him"

"No we're not, da*n it. Suction!" His forehead was bathed in sweat and a nurse carefully dried it for him.

"More suction, da*n it" he said again. "I can't see what I'm doing" He stood back and allowed the assisting doctor to clear the blood.

"Clamps" again more instruments were passed to him. He worked in concentrated silence.




"I'm finishing up now." He sighed heavy, now bone weary.

"Close him up" he stepped away and out of the operating theater, pulling down his mask. It had been a close run thing, he thought. It still was touch and go. He just hoped the lad was strong enough to fight.

"He's still in surgery, I'm sorry. I have no further news yet" the nurse said calmly. "I promise someone will come and speak to you as soon as they can."

"Thanks" Liam's voice sounded hollow. "Maura, come and sit down. I'll get you some coffee". He walked over to the corner of the waiting room to where the drinks machine was located. The waiting room looked luxurious but that didn't make the waiting any easier. Liam sighed then carried two cups of coffee to where Maura was sat, pulling her Rosary beads through her hands and her lips moved in unending prayers for her youngest son. She knew Bobby was on route but she wished he was here with her now.

"Horan Family?" a large man dressed in surgical scrubs had entered the waiting room, his mask pulled down under his chin. He looked  absolutely exhausted.

"Yes, yes. I'm his mother" Maura stood and moved towards him. "My son.....?"

" Your son is still with us. He'll be taken to recovery shortly. He has come through surgery but I won't lie to you, it is still  very  much touch and go. He's lost a lot of blood and at a time when his body was already very weakened. He's going to have to fight for his life and there are no guarantees. I'm sorry. Once he has  been taken back to ICU ,  you'll be able to see him"

"What happened?" Liam asked. " I know he was really was sick but what happened?"

"His spleen ruptured and there was a lot of internal bleeding as a result." the Surgeon said then, seeing the alarmed  expression on Liam's face, continued. "Unfortunately it can often  be a delayed response to abdominal trauma. The airbag deploying when the car was hit was the cause of the trouble, I believe. Niall has a quite small build and airbags can often do as much damage as good to people who are physically small. I've removed Niall's spleen, sealed off the bleeding.He's being given blood . All we can do now is monitor him, wait and pray nothing else goes wrong.

"But he has a chance...?" Liam said, almost pleading with the Surgeon to say that Niall would be fine.

"Yes, he has a chance...a  very slim one..but yes,  he has a chance.." the Surgeon replied. "A nurse will fetch you when Niall is back in bed. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to go check on Niall." He nodded to them and left moving  quickly away back through the doors.

"Sit down , Maura" Liam ushered her to a chair "I'll ring Niall's Manager, let him know.I think he's meeting Bobby at LAX" . Liam smiled at her tiredly and excused himself to make the call. Ten minutes later, he was back. " Apparently  Harry has offered to collect Bobby. He thought a familiar face would help. James says he'll be along later. He doesn't want to get in the way.

"Horan family?" A nurse stood in the doorway. Maura stood and they both turned to the nurse. "Mr Horan is back in ICU now if you'd like to come?"

"Maura, you go. I'll be up soon. I need to see Louis...make sure he's OK" Liam parted from them , leaving Maura to follow the nurse, and  he headed towards the floor where Louis was being treated. He hoped Louis was still in the dark about the latest development.

Nothing prepared Maura for the shock of seeing Niall looking even worse. He was surrounded by more equipment and  nose canulas were supplying him with extra oxygen. An iV was slowly dripping life giving blood into his frail body and his face looked grey. He even looked like his body had shrunk and now a small child occupied the bed.

Maura refused to leave her son's side despite Liam pleading with her to get some rest. It was only when Bobby arrived, trailed by Harry, that she finally allowed Liam to take her home to rest. Bobby sat in her vacated chair and Harry stood over to the side, leaning against the wall, both men had their eyes glued to Niall's face. Neither man spoke.Bobby closed his eyes tightly.

"Da?" the voice was rusty , as if speaking the one word was almost too much of an  effort. Bobby's eyes flew open and Harry pushed himself away from the wall, green eyes burning with emotion.

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