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No! There had to be some mistake. Louis was away working on promoting his new release. It couldn't be.?The media got it wrong. But that feeling of dread, that vague sense of disquiet that had been plaguing him, somehow he knew it, he was hearing the truth. Louis, not Louis ! No ! Niall started screaming as he tore the wires and tubes from his body , not even noticing the pain. He  shook the side of his bed until the restraining rail dropped down and he flung himself off the bed and onto the floor.. The pain from his recent surgery suddenly ripped through him and blood started to soak through the thin hospital gown he was wearing as his sutures burst under the strain of his violent movement. Niall felt his vision grey and he collapsed onto the ground as nurses and doctors rushed into his room , alerted by the alarm bells on the machinery he'd fought free from. 

Several miles across the city, Liam was staring in horror at the TV. Harry, woken up by Liam yelling for him, raced into the room and both men were stunned as they listened to the woman telling her audience that , not only had Louis Tomlinson been located, He hadn't abandoned his friend when he needed him the most but  he was dangerously close to death following donating a kidney to that same friend, Niall.

"A reliable source has told us that Louis Tomlinson, who had been believed to have gone MIA whilst his bandmate, Niall Horan was seriously ill, had , in actual fact,  also been a patient at the same hospital, following his donation of  a kidney to Niall. Niall had been suffering from acute kidney failure after developing Lupus . Our source told us that shortly after surgery, Louis condition suddenly worsened and he is currently undergoing further surgery to save his life. There has been no comment from the hospital regarding his condition, nor that of Niall Horan. Keep watching and we'll update you as soon as we can.

Now, further news on Justin Beiber.........".  the woman continued but neither man was now listening.

"But, he was fine. He was doing Ok" Harry whispered as he collapsed on the couch next to Liam. "I...Li...we gotta go to him. ". Liam nodded, unable to trust himself to speak. Both men hurried to dress and were soon out of the door and heading to the hospital.

The paps were out in full force, swarmed around the hospital entrance and it was only by a kind nurse who recognized them, that Harry and Liam were able to slide , unseen, into a back entrance. She quietly led the way to an office and bade them wait there whilst she went to find someone who could update them. She returned  a few minutes later with a tray of coffee, telling them that a doctor would be with them as soon as possible but due to a serious situation, it might take a little time. Both men nodded numbly and , with a compassionate look, the nurse left them. The tick of the wall clock seemed to taunt them as the hands moved so slowly they swore that had all but stopped. Unable to sit still and long, Liam jumped up and started pacing.

"I've got to find someone" He suddenly burst out and turned to the door which opened just as he reached it. A grave looking man walked into the room, still in his surgical scrubs, his mask pulled down under his chin. He looked beyond exhausted, his face expressionless.  He walked behind his desk and sat down, rubbing a tired hand across his face.

"Please ? " Harry whispered "Please ?". He didn't know how to ask what he , what they were both desperate to know. "Louis" was all he could manage.

"Louis is still with us" the doctor spoke quietly . "Won't lie to you. He is a very sick young man. He's stable for now but it could still go either way. He experienced severe bleeding which we were able to stop. He's lost a great deal of blood and will require several transfusions. And we had a few complications during surgery with Louis suffering a cardiac arrest. We managed to get him back but he is extremely weak." The doctor paused then continued " Unfortunately , I also have to tell you that your other friend , Niall is back in surgery." He sighed heavily.

"Niall?" Liam sat down suddenly, his legs buckling in shock. "What happened to Niall?  We were told the  transplant had gone well."

"Yes, the actual transplant had gone well. Niall was, naturally, requiring carefully monitoring but  his condition was not causing concern. His new kidney was showing signs of working."

"So, what went wrong?" Harry said harshly. Why did the doctor seem to be beating around the bush when they wanted answers?

"To be honest, we are not sure. Niall was found collapsed on the floor of his room. He apparently had torn off all the monitors and got out of bed. The nurses were alerted by the alarms going off on the equipment and immediately rushed to him. He'd managed to tear open his surgical site and there was some internal damage as well. He was immediately rushed back to the OR where several of my colleagues are dealing with the situation."

"But why?" Liam wondered in confusion . " What was Ni trying to do?"

" We suspect that he might have seen something on the news. The TV was on in his room , tuned into a gossip show. It's a guess, but.........."  the doctor's voice trailed away as the phone on his desk rang. With a quiet 'excuse me' he picked it up and listened, his face blank as the caller spoke. "Yes, yes" the doctor said into phone then hung up. "Gentlemen. would you both  please excuse me. I will be back as soon as I can. May I ask you both to stay here, for your own safety ?The media have gotten into the building." He left the room, leaving Harry and Liam to sit in silence, neither up to speaking about everything they had been told.

The doctor moved swiftly down the various corridors despite his exhaustion. This was a complete mess. First there had been the complications with Louis, followed by Niall's , and now this media circus. Security had been so d*mn tight, so what had gone wrong. Frowning heavily, he pushed open the door and walked through into the noisy throng of people that security was desperately trying to clear. He started to push his way through when he suddenly caught sight of a heavily pregnant woman, sobbing in the arms of one of the senior nurses. Recognising her, he walked towards them.

'Hayley, what's wrong? What's happened" he asked. She just sobbed harder.

"Steve's been killed, car accident". The nurse trying to comfort the bereaved woman told him. "Apparently he was on the way back here."

" Back here? Why? His shift finished hours ago" the doctor was confused. "Look, lets get Hayley out of this, come with me". He turned and led them back through the doors and into a small office. "Stay here, I'll go see if I can clear this mess up , then I'll be back." He started to leave the room but Hayley's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"This is Steve's doing" she whispered. "I'm sorry, so sorry". The doctor looked at her in shock then sat down heavily. What the h*ll had Steve to do with this?

"We needed the money, we were behind on the rent, the baby is due...he told the media about Louis........"Hayley stopped speaking, her hands twisting in her lap. "He was coming to warn you because he felt so guilty, but..................."

The doctor put his head into his hands. He had two patients upstairs, one fighting for his life, the other still in surgery. And things were going from bad to worse, betrayed by a member of staff. He pushed himself to his feet, with no idea how to sort out this mess.

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