"Just Shut it...I don't Want to Hear"

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Niall's stomach felt sore, as if  he'd been repeatedly kicked in it. He groaned slightly from the pain.

"Niall, bro ?" Louis soft voice spoke near to him and Niall forced his eyes open . Lifting his head slightly , he stared, first at Louis, then around the room with a confused expression. As soon as he recognised he was back in hospital, his head flopped back down on his pillow and he covered his eyes with a shaking hand, groaning out softly "Sh*t".

"Hey, Ni" Louis spoke again, looking compassionately down at his friend. "How are'ya feelin ?"

"Like shite" Niall responded "Why am I here. I don't want to be here. I want to be left alone"

"You overdosed, mate" Louis said harshly. He didn't mean it to come out so hard and abrupt but Niall had scared him so badly.

'Huh?!" Niall pushed himself upright then froze as a wave of nausea ripped through him. He swallowed convulsively. Louis correctly  interpreting  the situation, grabbed the bowl off the side table and held it under Niall's chin, holding it steady as Niall was sick. Niall leaned back against his pillows once the nausea had passed and muttered "thanks' to Louis who just nodded before taking the bowl into the adjoining bathroom to dispose of it. Niall lay quiet until Louis returned. 

"I didn't" Niall said, frowning

"Didn't what?"Louis looked at Niall, confused.

"Overdose, Lou. I didn't"

"Mate, I hate to break it to you , but the Police found you at a hotel with pills on the floor and you almost  unconscious. They pumped your stomach when you got here." Louis tone was abrupt,

"I just wanted my headache to go away. I wanted to sleep. I didn't think..."

"No you didn't f.cking think, did you?" shock and stress finally had Louis temper erupting as he glared furiously at his friend. "All you think about is your f.cking self. We've been worried sick , Ni. And when they said they'd found you and you'd taken pills, We thought, I thought.....I can't talk to you right now" Louis yelled and slammed out of the room, leaving a stunned and silent Niall staring after him.

Niall rang the nurses call bell and a male nurse entered the room. He smiled enquiringly at Niall.

"Umm. I want to discharge myself" Niall told him,

"I'm sorry, you can't do that until the doctor has seen you and you've been evaluated." was the response.

"I'm fine. I just want to leave" Niall repeated. He tried lowering the rails at the side of the bed but wasn't able to operate the mechanism. He rattled it in frustration.

"I'm sorry" the nurse repeated. "How about I do your 'obs' then get you something light to eat?

"I don't f.cking want to eat" Niall growled "I want to get out of here" . He then started  tugging on the iV only to be stopped by the nurse.

"I'll get the doctor" the nurse promised and left the room. Niall sank back onto the pillows and groaned in frustration and shut his eyes.

"I hear you want to leave us, Niall" a pleasant voice broke the silence and Niall's blue eyes flew open. He hurriedly sat up.

"Yeah, like right now" he snapped at the tall ,distinguished man standing next to the bed.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave. Not yet" the man replied pleasantly, totally unaffected by Niall's snippy manner. "I need to make sure you're not in any danger."

"Of course I'm not. I feel fine and I'm OK" Niall was still snappy.

"I'm sure you think you are Niall, but I have reason to believe to the contrary.You were brought in after an overdose of pain medication. Therefore you could present a danger to yourself."The man's tone was gentle , his words reasonable.

"F.ck that and f.ck you. It was an accident. I didn't intend to..to...." Niall spluttered

"Didn't intend to... what, Niall?"

"To overdose..it was an accident. I was in pain, wasn't thinking. You can't keep me here." Niall suddenly felt very emotional and, to his horror and embarrassment, tears started trickling down his pale cheeks. "Please, I just want to go home."he whispered

"I'm sorry, no." was the only response. "Get some rest. We'll talk later" the man turned on his heel and left the room. Niall curled up into a tight ball and sobbed,as emotion after emotion hit him.

"Do you think he meant to overdose?" Bobby asked the doctor, his face a picture of misery and concern. Louis sat next to him, a comforting arm around his shoulders.

"No, I don't. I do think he wasn't thinking straight though, the stress clouded his judgement. I'll talk with him again tomorrow, then, if he's physically well enough, he'll be discharged. It would be best if he was with someone for a time" The doctor replied, leaning back in his chair.

"I have to go back to Ireland" Bobby said. "maybe Niall could...."

"Bobby, he won't. Look, suppose Niall stays with me? I could keep an eye on him, get Selena to talk with him." Louis suggested. He knew Niall would fight going back home to Mullingar. Here he could start recording his new album. Plus there were more distractions available for Niall   here than Ireland had to offer.

"I don't know" Bobby shook his head "I'd rather Niall..."

"Bobby, you know he won't go. He'll kick up a fuss and fight being looked after" Louis said "He's better off here. "

"But...." Bobby started to speak but the doctor interrupted him.

"I agree with Louis. He's better off here. His Primary  doctor already has been seeing to his care. We are also involved with his treatment. To put it bluntly, Mr Horan, with Louis is the best place for Niall right now" the doctor said firmly and Bobby reluctantly agreed to the plan. "That's settled" the doctor said.

Niall pushed the plate of rubbery looking scrambled eggs away from him. He wasn't going to eat them. He picked up the glass of milk and drank that instead. The tall doctor from yesterday had already been in and they'd had a repeat of the conversation of yesterday. The only difference was, that this time, Niall was told he could go home. There were stipulations though. He had to be with someone though. Niall groaned at that. He didn't want to stay with his Da and he'd upset Louis. It looked like it would have to be his Da. He sighed heavily.

"I've come to spring you" Niall looked up as Louis walked into the room. Louis face was devoid of expression, his tone flat.Niall swallowed.

"Uh, Lou, look. I'm sorry, OK. I'm sorry. You're right and I'm sorry" Niall apologised sheepishly. Louis didn't respond, just opened the bag he brought and got out clothing for Niall and flung it on the bed. Niall looked upset. He'd apologised to Louis but obviously Louis wasn't about to forgive him. Niall slid from the bed and changed out of the hospital gown and into the clothes Louis had given him. Louis stayed silent.

"Lou?" Niall looked at his friend's cold expression.

"Just shut it, Niall. I don't want to hear. Come on" Louis walked out of the room, Niall trailing behind him. Louis stopped abruptly and Niall walked straight into him. Louis sighed and turned to face Niall, his heart melting at the sad expression on Niall's face. 

"Just...just...don't scare me like that again" Louis said in a strangled voice as he pulled Niall into a tight hug. They clung together then Louis released his hold . "Come on, let's get you home."



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