It Doesn't Make Sense.

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Niall stared blankly around the room, not registering where he was, or even why he could be there. His memory seemed totally unable to provide him with any answers. Even the people in the room made no impression on him . All he could rememer was the voices of Ireland, of home. He frowned,  then as he moved slightly, whimpered in pain. His eyes closed and he sank back into oblivion.

"He woke up, he definitely woke up." Maura told the doctor who had rushed in when she had repeated pressed the call bell. "His eyes opened."

"Yes, I'm sure they did" the doctor said soothingly "Unfortunately your son is very ill . Very ill." the doctor repeated. 

"But it's a good sign, isn't it?" Maura's tone was pleading, begging for reassurance that her youngest boy, her baby, was going to pull through."

"Hopefully" the doctor responded "we'll do our best but, as we told you earlier, things could go either way. We will do our best" he reiterated as he patted Maura's hand sympathetically. "Look, why not go and get some rest. Something to eat and drink, then some sleep. You all need it. We'll look after Niall for you."

"You'll let me know if anything chances won't you?" Maura asked quietly. The doctor nodded.

"Come on, Maura,  come all of you" Louis encouraged. "A break will do us good. We can't help Niall right now." He opened the door and ushered everyone out of the room, casting a look back at his friend,whose tiny body seemed swamped by the huge hospital bed. He felt a ball of guilt lodge in his chest, making it hard to breath. If only he hadn't slept so heavily. If only he had woken up when Niall had crept from their room. If only. He shook his head to try and get his focus back on the others. They needed his support right now. Niall needed him. He couldn't crumble. Not yet anyway.

"It doesn't make sense" Niall heard a voice, but he couldn't place it. He tried hard to concentrate on the words that were penetrating the dark world he was floating in. "The readings are all wrong, but........." Niall pushed himself to wake up, to see who was speaking but he couldn't. He relaxed back into the blackness once more. 

The doctor left Niall's room and headed back to talk with Doctor Emiko Jozuka. Perhaps she could shed some light on why none of Niall's test results were making sense. She lsitened to his concerns then went to a locked filing cabinet, spending a few moments rifling through various folders before slowly withdrawing one . She stared at it, then straight ahead, wondering if she should let Doctor Adams see what the notes contained. Sighing internally, she turned to face the other doctor. "Sit down, maybe you should see this." She held out the file to him which he took and was soon reading its contents, glancing up at the Japense Doctor from time to time, his facial expression as inscrutable as her own. Just what was he looking at? And just what should he do about it?

"Thank you for contacting us. We're grateful." Noah Bannon  said once introductions  had been exchanged. " Doctor Jameson and I appreciate your concerns and hopefully we can explain. He smiled encouragingly at Doctor Adams who looked rather shaken.

"You're welcome. I've just read through Niall's medical history and, well, it's more your field than mine. I've been keeping up with your research papers and confess was more than fasinated by your theories.. Fasinated and also rather worried, to be totally honest. But I thought they were just that, just theories. I had no idea that you had actually trialled the treatment on a patient. Especially under the circumstances." The doctor jerked his head towards the bed where Niall lay, unmoving, lost in his world of darkness.

"We can understand your concerns"Noah responded "Niall agreed to take part in the Phase Three trials but, unfortunately, we made some mistakes, both medically and also in not completely factoring his emotional responses. He's one stubborn young man but he knew the risks and was willing to try."

"But surely  whenyou did the  physical and psychological assessments, you realized the risks were, well, astronomical? You can't just leap in and trial dangerous stuff on patients!" Doctor Adams was getting angry. His patient was dangerously ill following a fall that had occured before he was fully recovered from major surgery and now he finds that his patient had taken part in a Phase Three medical trial of untested drugs."And these results!" He waved a sheaf of papers under Noah and Caleb's noses. "They don't make sense!"

Noah took the papers from the angry doctor and together he and Caleb Jameson studied them, conversing so quietly between themselves, that Doctor Adams could not , apart from the occasional word, hear what they were saying. He felt his fury growing. How could it be that he had been treating a patient so dangerously ill, yet only having half the information. Finally Noah and Caleb looked up and Caleb courtiously asked Doctor Adams if they might talk with both Doctor Jozuka and himself in another room. Doctor Adams nodded curtly and led the way out.

The converation between the doctors and Doctor Mark Kershaw, the Head of the Facility,  had got very heated ,and Doctor Adams was absolutely furious to find that he was being outnumbered. When he was told by the Head of the facility  that Doctors Bannon and Jameson were now taking over Niall's care, he stalked from the room, slamming the door behind him. He'd had enough. He wasn't going to stand for this, he thought grimly.

"Well gentlemen, now we have got this far, perhaps you'll share your finding with me?" Mark asked quietly.

". Let me just recap the sequence of events for you. Well, as you know, Niall was originally here at the facility to learn to manage his Lupus. It worked well  but then the Lupus falared badly. Mr Hayes-Hamilton tried various drug combinations but Niall reacted badly to nearly every one. He had his spleen removed, following the car accident in was involved in, then all the drug combinations tried just made the Lupus worse. Niall was, in effect, slowly dying. He agreed to try the newest research trials. It didn't go smoothly. Niall's kidneys decided to cease functioning normally and the only answer was a transplant, which we achieved. Niall returned to your facility, with Louis Tomlinson, his donor, to recover away from the media. "

"He didn't take that too well, did he?' Mark Kershaw said grimly. :He decided to leave....with unfortunate results."

"True. But maybe it has turned out to beneficial." Noah Bannon said quietly as he laid a manila folder down in front of the serious face of the Head of the Facility. "Look at these results."


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