".......If Penguins have knees......?"

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Niall looked around him , slightly confused. He recognised his surroundings instantly as being a hospital room, but how exactly he got there was a blur of events. He turned towards the snoring sound and saw Louis curled up on his side in  on a small couch in the corner of the room. Niall cleared his throat nervously but Louis didn't stir. Cautiously Niall moved to sit up, planning on leaving the bed but a tug on his arm drew his attention to the IV going into his hand. He groaned in frustration but his head felt too foggy to think straight. He flopped back against the pillows as he wondered why people just wouldn't leave him alone.

"You're awake sweetie" A middle aged nurse entered his room .She came and stood next to his bed then poured some water into a cup and handed it to him before placing a paper cup containing several different colored pills in his hand. "Just take those for me, sweetie". Niall frowned at her but did as he was bid. As the water went down his throat , he realised just how dehydrated he was and downed the lot in thirsty gulps. "Here" the nurse took the cup and refilled it, handing it back. His initial thirst dealt with, Niall drank more slowly. "I just need to see how you're doing" the nurse moved quietly around Niall, measuring his blood pressure, temperature and then listened briefly to his chest. "Bit wheezy, love. I'll make sure doctor knows. How about a nice lunch?"

"Not hungry" Niall's voice was barely above a whisper. He just wanted the world to go away and leave him alone.

"You must eat, sweetie. How about some soup?" she said encouragingly "nothing heavy". Niall just shrugged then closed his eyes to shut her out. She patted his hand gently then left, returning shortly after, carrying a tray which she put on the table next to Niall . She raised the head of the bed then supporting Niall upright with one arm, plumped his cushions more comfortably behind him before laying him back. The table was swung across the bed. Niall just stared down at the soup then turned his head and shut his eyes. The nurse was determined , however, and picked up the spoon and scooped up some soup and held the spoon to Niall's lips, tapping them softly. Niall opened his mouth and she slid the spoon in. Niall swallowed so she repeated the action again and again until the bowl was empty. She wiped his mouth gently. "Doctor will be in to see you soon so you can nap until then." She cleared everything up and took it away with her, leaving Niall to drift into his mindless trance.

Niall became aware of voices talking outside the door, some  sounding familiar. He looked across at the door as it opened and Louis walked in, Doctor Ward and another,unknown man, following.

"Hey Nialler" Louis spoke quietly, totally out of character to his normal tones. Niall recognised Louis "I'm being mature" voice and knew Louis was in a serious frame of mind.

"Hey" Niall replied, so quietly that Louis had to strain to hear.

"Niall, this is Doctor Carter. He's a Clinical Psychologist. I thought you'd might like to talk to him. " Doctor stretched out his hand to shake Niall's but Niall just turned away and stared at the generic picture on the wall facing him. Doctor Carter didn't seem at all phased by Niall's response. He understood the defensive body language and he was already aware that Niall had slipped into some type of depression which they had already started to treat with medication. His job would be to work with Niall on the emotional aspects of his illness. He exchanged glances with Doctor Ward .

"Guys, could I talk with Niall alone, please?" Louis broke the silence.The other two men exchanged another look and both nodded. "Cheers" Louis said and watched the two men leave the room before he spoke again.

"Nialler, you need to cooperate, lad. You're sick and need someone to look after you" Louis said kindly "They just want to help you". Niall turned his head and looked at Louis as if he was staring straight through him but he didn't speak.Louis tried again.

"Look, bro, you have to be sensible, yeah? The doc can't get you well again if you don't let them. Please, Ni" his tone was pleading now.

"Go away" gain the barely there voice but Louis was pleased that Niall had replied. Niall's shutdown, the silence, worried Louis far more than he wanted to admit. Both doctors had assured Louis that Niall's behaviour was normal in someone experiencing everything Niall was going through, but when you are used to a friend who was normally loud, energetic and cheerful, this was torture.

"I'll go if you really want ...." Louis turned towards to door, shoulders slumped in failure. He had hoped he'd get through to Niall but obviously he failed. He started to pull the door open.

"Stay.......please...." still a whisper. Louis turned back and his heart broke at the sight. Niall's body was shaking with harsh sobs . Louis swiftly went to the bed and, an, ignoring hospital policy climbed up next to Niall and held his distraught  mate in a  tight and comforting embrace as he allowed Niall's pent-up tears to release. Doctor Carter poked his head around the door and observed quietly for a few moment before with drawing as silently as he had opened the door.

"The dam has burst" he told his colleague in tones of satisfaction. "I'll try again with Niall later. Let's go to James's office and discuss treatment plans. I'll ask the nurse to tell Mr Tomlinson where we'll be. I gather he is still Niall's emergency contact?" Doctor Ward consulted his notes then nodded. "Let go then". He led the way.

"Here" Louis held the cup of water to Niall's lips and held it while Niall drank. He then went into the bathroom that adjoined the room, emerging with a damp cloth which he used to wipe Niall's face free of tears and sweat. Once that was done, he kicked off his shoes and climbed up onto the bed " Budge over" and Niall shifted his slight body over to make room for Louis . "Wanna talk?" Louis prompted

""bout what" Niall murmured

"Anything..the weather..hospital food..girls...if penguins have knees....''Louis said and was happy to hear a faint giggle"

"Do they?"

"Do they what?" Louis asked, confused.

"have knees?

"Dunno, mate. I'll have to google. Seriously Nialler, you can talk to me about anything". He looked into Niall's shadowed blue eyes and felt so horrified at the young man's appearance. He looked just as much a mess as he had when Louis had arrived at his home. It had only been a few days, Louis reminded himself, and Niall had been unconscious most of that time, courtesy of medication.They had been pumping him with various drugs but Louis knew they would take days to really begin their work. He only hoped Niall would forgive him for allowing the doctors to begin treatment. He knew Niall would have said no but Louis, having power to act for him under the circumstances, was not about to allow one of his best mates to kill himself through neglect.

"Later" Niall final spoke. "I just want to sleep"

"OK, lad" Louis fumbled about for the control and lowered the bed down. Niall rolled onto his side, facing away from Louis who immediately pulled Niall into his chest and cuddled him close. He relaxed himself as he felt Niall's tight muscles soften and his breathing ease down. This was the first natural sleep Niall had had since he had been admitted and Louis was sure it would do him more good than any drug induced sleep. He rested his head on Niall's soft hair, humming absentmindedly , and was soon deep in thought.

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