Food For Thought.

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A/N sorry for the delay.  My son has some new teeth and then I  had surgery and I am having a few problems with recovery.

"Haz, Li, wake up" Dave shook each man gently then waited patiently as they surfaced from sleep.

"Dave...why are you here? What's happened? How's Louis?" Harry asked, both his face and voice showing his anxiety as he waited for what could be bad news.

"Well, the nurse said he's not out of the woods yet but the Doc says he'll be fine. Niall is improving too." Dave said reassuringly, watching as both men sagged in relief.  " Have some coffee to wake yourself up and we'll go visit."

The men found Niall listlessly poking his meal with a fork and making no attempt to eat. He pushed the table away as they entered, leaning forward anxiously, trying to take in the expressions on their faces.

"Hey Nialler," Liam said cheerfully "Aren't you meant to be eating that......" He peered at Niall's abandoned meal..."Whatever that stuff is?"

"Louis ?" Niall responded, completely ignoring Liam's remarks, his pale face going even paler. "Please tell me he's not ....."Niall couldn't even finish his sentence, so afraid of what he might be told, his whole body beginning to shake in anticipation of hearing bad news.

"Fine, Louis is fine....well, he's still very ill, there is no denying that but he's going to be OK, Niall"  Dave brushed past the other two men and gently put his hands on Niall's shaking shoulders. "Relax there, lad, and we'll talk, yeah?" Dave then looked meaningfully at Harry and Liam. "Do you think...?"

"Haz and I need to get some coffee, wake ourselves up a bit. Maybe we can find you some decent food while we're at it, Ni." Liam interrupted swiftly, seeing that Dave wanted to talk with Niall in private. " we'll see you shortly, bro"  And both men left quickly.

Dave pulled a chair next to Niall's bed and carefully lowered Niall back into a more comfortable position. He smiled reassuring at the small man who was looking back at him in anguish.

"Lou is going to be just fine" Dave reiterated. "He's not totally out of the woods yet but the doctor says he'll live. He just needs to be looked after properly. And so do you, Niall." Dave continued. "You need to stop blaming yourself and concentrate on getting better yourself."

"But it is all my fault. Louis nearly died because of me. If he hadn't given me his kidney, this would never have happened." Niall sounded broken.

"And if he hadn't given you his kidney, the three other lads would be blaming themselves for not doing more for you. Niall, you'd have died, lad. Louis is a grown man. A grown man who loves you like a brother. He made the choice willingly, knowing the risks. He had counseling beforehand and he chose to go ahead. Stop blaming yourself. " Dave said firmly. "He'd be really mad at you if you continue to blame himself."

"But how can I repay him? Ever?" Niall's eyes filled with tears.

"By accepting a gift that was freely given. By doing  everything single thing  you can do to get well again." That's all the payment Louis needs, Niall. Look, you're tired. Get some sleep then think about it, OK? You've food for thought, even if you're physically not eating  We'll come back later." Dave stood up and smiled at Niall. "Just in time, here's your nurse." He left quietly, leaving the nurse to do her obs whilst chastising Niall lightly for not eating. Once she had finished and got him comfortable, she left him to rest. But sleep evaded him. Niall lay staring at the ceiling as his mind went squirrel -like over what Dave had told him. Eventually, his eyelids fluttered shut as sleep won.

Dave found his way down to the hospital cafeteria where Harry and Liam said in a quiet conversation over mugs of coffee. He sat down next to them as they both turned to look at him.

"Is Ni  ok now?" Harry asked a little hesitantly.

"He will be. We had a little chat and I've left him to rest and to process our discussion. Actually, I wanted both your opinions." Dave fiddled with his fingers as he spoke. "What would you think of me suggesting to Niall that he returned to the clinic in Arizona for a short time? I personally think it would help. He can recover in privacy and we can help him get on top of things again. " Harry and Liam exchanged looks,  then both men returned their gaze to Dave.

"He'd not want to go. He'll fight it" Harry said. Liam nodded. "Do you really think it is in his best interests?"

"Honestly? I am convinced it would help. It's not just the acceptance of the donated kidney and the problems that resulted from it. It's also the experimental treatment he's had to undergo. Yes, his choice, but there is still fall out from that, possible long-term effects, etc. I'm meeting with Noah and  Doctor Jameson to discuss that tomorrow. Both men, along with  Gordon Hayes-Hamilton, have been closely involved with all of this" Dave waved his hand vaguely to encompass everything that had led up to the experimental treatment and its results.

"I wish he'd never had it done. It nearly killed him" Liam said bitterly.

"Li, Niall's kidneys were already failing even before they started the treatment. His heart was also being put under tremendous strain. Yes, we nearly lost Niall, but we'd have lost him anyway, without the treatment. At least he's still with us and there is still the chance that the treatment has worked. He'll need tests done but all Niall's doctors believe he needs to get stronger before they go ahead. That's why I think the clinic would help." Dave looked at each man in turn.

"Who's going to ask him?" Harry finally spoke. "He'll go mad"

"I suppose it had better be me," Liam said resignedly.

"Actually" Dave grinned brightly "I was going to leave it for a few days and get Louis to suggest it. I'm rather hoping that young man will go with Niall. They both have to resolve the situation between them. Both will need to recuperate so where better!"

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