Chewing Nails And Spitting Rust

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Niall felt confused when he opened his eyes and found a flurry of activity around himself. James was knelt beside him, holding his hand and one of the Studio paramedics ,who was always on hand, was hurrying towards them. He tried to sit up but James pushed him down gently.

"Just stay put, Ni" he said calmly. "Let's get you checked out",  he moved out of the way allowing the paramedic to take his place.

"Hello Niall, I'm Jeff. Can you tell me what happened?" the man asked in a soothing voice.

"I'm not sure. I felt a bit sick whilst we were doing the show then I was just sat here, feeling a bit weird. M' heart felt like it was beating far too hard and fast and then everything just went black." Niall sounded as confused as he felt. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and this time James made no attempt to stop him. 

"Any pain or discomfort?" Jeff asked as he fitted the stethoscope into his ears. Niall gave a negative shake of the head. Jeff listened to Niall's chest carefully, his face void of emotion. "Ok, let's just check your blood pressure. He attached the cuff to Niall's upper arm and the Irish lad grimaced as he felt the tightening sensation. He tried to see the reading but the monitor was faced out of his sightline. Jeff sat back on his heels. "Niall, I'd like to take you to the hospital to get checked out, make sure you're OK."

"No, that's not necessary" Niall responded  "I feel fine now."

"I really think you should go, Ni" James said, concerned as Niall's face was still stark white

"No" Niall repeated stubbornly. "Look, it was just reaction to the interview, nothing more. I was just stressed over it all. It's done now and I'll be ok."

"Niall, I'd really be happier if you let me take you to the hospital" Jeff tried to convince Niall. "If you are as fine as you say you are, they'll not keep you ."

"Look, I'll go see my own doc tomorrow if  I think I need to but right now, I'm telling you I'm fine".  Niall dug his heels in stubbornly and James and Jeff had to admit defeat.

Maura had been dozing on the couch when she was woken up by Niall coming into the house. She stood to greet him, very anxious to know how the interview with James had gone, and was immediately worried by his pale and sweaty face, and lethargic movements.

"Niall, you look ill. What's wrong? Are you OK?" Maura sounded worried." What happened?"

"I'm well enough " Niall replied as he  pulled a bottle of chilled water from the fridge, rubbing the cold bottle against his hot forehead before uncapping it and chugging half of it down in one go.

"You're not, no.  What happened" Maura insisted, as she stood glaring at her son, hands on hips.

"I kinda fainted after the show, Ma" Niall confessed knowing he wasn't able to escape the sharp eyes of his mother. "I got checked out, I'm OK". Niall sat in the chair abruptly.

"Tell the truth and shame the devil, Niall James." his mother glared at him

"Ok, fine. The medic at the studio wanted me to go to the hospital but I refused. I'm ok, Ma. no need to fuss." Niall said wearily . All he wanted was to get to his bed and sleep, he felt vile.

"Then first thing tomorrow, you get yourself to your doctor's office and no argument" Maura said firmly. "And to make sure you go, I'll be going with you"

"Ma!" Naill groaned.

"Don't you 'Ma' me young man. You'll do as you're told or you'll have the flat of my hand on your backside, man or not." Maura was chewing nails and spitting rust as his Da would say and Niall knew better than to cross her now.

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