"It's My Fault He's Dying."

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"Go home, Gentlemen" the Senior nurse told Harry and Liam gently. "There's nothing you can do for either of them at the moment. We'll be taking care of them".

"No!" Liam spoke, the sharpness of his tone showing how desperately worried he was about his friends. "I want to stay....We both want to stay." The nurse sighed in resignation. Both young men were beyond exhausted but, despite her many suggestions that they should go and rest, they were not prepared to leave the hospital.

"Look, if you won't go home, would you at least go and take a nap? You can go into the Doctor 'On Call' room and I promise to come and get you if there is any change. Would you at least consider it?" The nurse suggested. It was highly unorthodox but she was sure that, under the circumstances, it was allowable. Harry and Liam exchanged glances and both men nodded. "Good, please follow me." She led them out of the room and down the hallway, relieved that they would, at least ,get some rest.

"You promise that you will let us know?" Harry spoke this time, his voice hesitant, as if he expected her to now go back on her word.

"Promise" She held out her pinkie finger and Harry wrapped his own around it. "Now rest!" She left them in the quiet room and returned to her patients.

Niall's eyes opened slowly. His head ached abominably and his stomach was churning. He turned his head slowly, fighting a wave of dizziness  as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He felt totally confused as he was in a different room and he seemed to be hooked up to more machines than before. He tried to sit up to see better but whimpered in pain. Immediately a nurse materialised by his side and gently pushed him back onto his pillows.

"You need to stay quiet, young man. You've already given us quite a fright" the nurse scolded softly but with no heat in her words. "Here" she helped him take a few sips of water and he drank thirstily. "Better?" Niall nodded."Do you remember what happened?" the nurse asked.

"I'm not sure, I think....." Niall's voice trailed away as his forehead creased in a frown. What did he remember? Suddenly images of what he'd seen on the TV rushed into his mind and he shouted out hoarsely  "Louis! Where's Louis?"

"Shhh, calm down sweetie" the nurse spoke calmly. "Louis is in the next room. We're looking after him."

"But they said he was dying. I have to see him. It's my fault he's dying!" Niall's voice sounded hysterical as he began to panic about Louis. He tried again to get out of bed but the nurse instantly  did her best to sooth him . Her patient wouldn't survive more surgery and she needed to prevent him injuring himself further. Fortunately  unexpected assistance arrived in the form of Dave, and between them, they managed to calm Niall down enough for him to listen to them. . The nurse heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Yo Nialler," Dave said as he dragged a chair towards the bed. "You causing your nurse grief again?"

"I want to know how Louis is so  f.cking tell me ." Niall sounded like he was struggling to breath and he looked like he was heading into a panic attack.

"Mate, calm down.  Take some deep breaths. This isn't helping you or Louis." Dave coached Niall to control his breathing and once it had leveled  out to a safer rate, he continued. "I'll go find out yeah? "

"I've killed him, I've killed my best mate" Niall started working himself up again and Dave swiftly stopped him.

Ni, you've done nothing. Lou volunteered to do this. He wanted to do this for you, he just didn't want you to know. Yeah, things went wrong, but it's not down to you. It's not your fault. Look, I'll go and see him and I'll come back. You rest, lad." And Dave pushed himself up and left, leaving the nurse to fuss over his friend. Niall lay back quietly now that Dave had taken charge, half remembered prayers from childhood running through his mind until sleep took over.

"How's he doing?" Dave asked the nurse bent over the machines that were hooked up to Louis.

"Better, much better now. He's a strong one and he's fighting. He's not out of danger, not by a long way, but he's responding to treatment. The Doctor will be able to tell you more." She smiled at him encouragingly. "Here he is now." Dave turned and looked at the doctor, who now looked beyond exhausted.

"Doc?" Dave asked tentatively .

"He'll be fine. It was touch and go but we located the problem....Internal bleeding. It's sorted now and he'll be fine." Dave felt his breath release and his heart rate lower on hearing those words. "Now I just need to sort out the other mess." The doctor continued, more to himself than Dave.

"Other mess?" Dave queried

"Oh, umh, yes...security leak. Unfortunately an employee leaked the information about Louis and Niall. There's quite the media circus going on downstairs. Which reminds me, nurse could you go and update  Mr Payne and Mr Styles that Louis is now out of danger?"

"I'll do that" Dave immediately offered. "Niall too? Is it OK to tell him about Louis? He's blaming himself."

"Yes, please do. Niall is sleeping at present but you'll find the other two in the staff room, resting."

"On my way" Dave set off, leaving the doctor to check on his patient. Finally, things were going right. They just needed to keep moving that way.

Sorry this is so short...teething baby!


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