"Who Are you? I don't Know You"

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"He's very weak" the doctor continued "so please don't stay too long or do anything to upset him".  He turned  away and Maura followed the doctor, pushing Louis into Niall's room . Niall had his head turned towards the door but looked bewildered at their entry.

"Ni, thank g*d" Louis said quietly, tears flowing down his cheeks ."Mate, I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen" 

"What?" Niall frowned, not understanding. He looked from Louis to Maura, then back to Louis. "What are you on about?"

"The car accident,  Ni. It's my fault." Louis admitted, staring down at his lap, his eyes filled with tears.

"Accident?" Niall looked even more confused " And who are you, I don't know you". Both Maura and Louis looked at Niall in shock then to the doctor.

"Nurse, would you take Mrs Gallagher  to my office, please...and I think Mr Tomlinson should be returned to his room to rest" Doctor Jacobs said, ushering them all out of the room, the nurse leading the way.The door to the room closed behind them just as Bobby and Liam returned, both men looking confused and anxious as the sight of Maura and Louis in obvious distress.

"Bobby, he didn't know us!" Maura whispered, tears trickling down her cheeks.Bobby immediately stepped forward and pulled her into a hug while Liam knelt down in front of Louis, grabbing his cold hands in his own  large and warm ones. Louis face was bone white, making his facial bruises stand out in stark contrast. His hands were freezing cold and his frail body was shaking with shock. Liam bit his lip, extremely anxious for the well being of the young man in front of him.

"Sir, I'll have to ask you to step aside as I need to take Mr Tomlinson back to his room. He needs rest" a nurse spoke quietly and Liam nodded, scrambling to his feet and stepping next to the wheelchair. He walked beside them as the nurse pushed the chair down a lengthy corridor towards the elevators.

"I have to go back, please" Louis begged the nurse as she pushed his wheelchair back into his room., Liam  still walking beside them "I need to know Niall is OK"

"Mr Tomlinson, I'm sorry , no.The doctors are taking good care of your friend  and I need to look after you. You're still far from well and I know you're in pain. You are going back to bed and I'll get a doctor to check on you." The nurse spoke kindly but firmly. It was obvious her patient was in discomfort . That, added to his concern for his friend, was draining him both physically and emotionally. He needed to rest before he collapsed. "Now let's get you back in bed."

"NO! I need to go back" Louis said stubbornly.

"Mate, you can't do anything. Let the doctors sort it out. You need to look after yourself too" Liam tried to calm down his distraught friend.Louis was having none of it and irritably told Liam to go away and leave him alone. Liam reluctantly left, knowing it was useless to argue with Louis when he was so upset.It was probably best to leave him in the care of the nurse. Liam felt so helpless.

Louis glared at the closed door of his room, willing someone, anyone, to come and tell him that Niall would be fine. Niall hadn't known him....nor his own mother...what the f.ck was happening?  Niall had woken up earlier and knew his Dad but now? What had gone wrong? Unable to wait any longer,Louis slammed his fist down on the bed in frustration then reached for the nurses call bell and  repeatedly pressed it , impatient for information.

"Mr Tomlinson,, what's wrong?" his nurse hurried into the room, slightly out of breath . "Is the pain bad? Are you feeling worse?" she asked anxiously as she approached his bed.

"I'm fine" he spoke , his jaw clenched with tension  "but I need to know about Niall, please!". He wanted to shout and scream, he was so desperate for answers. The nurse sighed and shook her head. Her patient wasn't going to relax and the stress wasn't helping him.

"Let me do my 'Ob's' now I'm here then I'll go and see what I can find out. Will that satisfy you?" the nurse asked in exasperation.

"Yeah, maybe" Louis responded making her sigh again. At least Louis lay quietly as she took his blood pressure , temperature and so forth. After scribbling things down on his chart and seeing to his various needs,  she left the room, promising to see what she could discover.Louis stared up at the ceiling willing his body to release the tension. He failed miserably, he was too worried about Niall. Finally pain and exhaustion overrode everything and Louis slipped into blessed unconsciousness

The sounds of the hospital were muted when Louis finally opened his eyes, indicating he'd been asleep for some time. He cautiously stretched, hissing in pain as his damaged ribs protested against the movement. He turned his head towards the door as it opened and a pretty, young doctor entered the room, smiling at him pleasantly

"I hear you're not letting us look after you properly, Mr Tomlinson" the doctor said as she approached the bed, holding out her hand to shake Louis. "I'm Doctor Marta Stephens" she introduced herself.

"Louis" he said quietly

"Louis then" the doctor gave him another sweet smile. "May I just have a look at you, see how you are doing?" she lowered the side of the bed and gently pulled down the bedding. "May I?" she carefully undid the tie of the gown at the back of Louis head and pulled it down so she could examine his chest and stomach properly. His tattoos were hidden by extensive bruising and some of the lacerations that had yet to heal, looked an angry red. The complete professional, Doctor Stephens face did not reveal any of her concerns as she cautiously examined her patient, keeping her touch as light as possible. Even with being ultra careful, Louis still hissed in pain. "I'm sorry" she looked at him apologetically "I know it's painful." Louis just shrugged slightly in response. The physical pain was less important to him than his emotional pain for his friend. Even so, he was relieved when she pulled the gown back up and refastened it, before covering his body warmly again, noting how he was shaking slightly. Cold? she thought, or was it anxiety?

"You took quite a battering in the accident. It seems your side took the full impact of the collision" Doctor Stephens said , keeping her tone casual as she glanced up from the notes she was scribbling down. Louis didn't respond verbally, just gave a small jerk of his head. " You are healing but it will be  a slow process and you really need to allow us to......"

"Do you think I care about me?" Louis spoke quietly but the pain in his voice was evident. "I just want Niall to be OK...and he's not".

"Louis, Niall is a very sick young man, I won't deny it, but you won't help him by making yourself worse." Doctor Stephens said patiently. "He's having a rough ride, agreed, but we are doing everything we can for him."

"It's not enough!" Louis almost screamed in desperation then " sorry, sorry. I just...." he broke off.

"I understand" the doctor reached out and rubbed Louis shoulder softly. "We just all need to stay hopeful and be patient." THe nurse walked into the room at that point and whispered in the ear of the doctor. Louis strained to hear but the woman's voice was too quiet. He pushed himself up, wincing in pain, as he watched the doctor nod in response, her pretty face expressionless.

"I'll be back shortly, Louis" the doctor gave him a half smile and hurried out, the nurse following. The door clicked shut behind them and Louis was left in silence.

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