Going Somewhere?

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Niall hissed quietly as his bare feet hit the ground. He'd woken up suddenly and as he'd laid there, staring into the dark, he decided that now was as good a time as ever. He froze in place as Louis started to mumble incomprehensively in his sleep. Niall stood there, holding his breath until Louis soft snores restarted. Pausing every now and again to listen, Niall quietly removed sweatpants and a hoodie from his bag and pulled them on, over the gown they had made him wear. Taking a last brief look at Louis, he crept across the room and eased open the door, cautiously poking his head out to scan the corridor. It was empty. He stepped out of the room and pulled the door to, not closing it completely as he was afraid that even the slightest sound would wake Louis who had become a very light sleeper these past few months. Niall slowly edged along the corridor, head swivelling from side to side as he checked for anyone who might discover him.

The security guard had been sat outside the room homing Louis and Niall all night and, after listening to the sound of snores issuing from the room, deemed it safe to go and use the restroom. He took his time, feeling sure that, despite Doctor Jozuka's warning concerning Niall, nothing would happen. Business attended to, he walked back to his station then frowned as he saw the door was no longer completely shut. He quietly pushed it open and stepped in. Louis was still sleeping but Niall's bed was empty. The guard rapidly left the room, already on his radio to alert security that they had a possible bolter. Sh*t, he thought.

The entire building seemed deserted but Niall still moved as silently as possible. Most of the doors to the outside were firmly locked and Niall knew, from his previous stay, that the doors were all alarmed. Think, think, he told himself. Where could he leave from without sounding the alarm? Then he grinned and changed direction, walking towards the utility wing. The laundry room! The staff there worked nights and they often had one of the doors to the yard open as the rooms got so hot. He could leave from there, he thought, but the trick would be passing the people working. But luck was on his side. As he stood in the shadows,  he watched as they all headed to their break room to eat. He waited until the door was closed and voices were raised in conversation, then he slipped into the hot room where washing machines and dryers churned away, before walking quietly out of the door. Taking a few moments to gain his bearings, he left the small yard and entered the communal gardens. He knew better than to head for the main gates, which had a security post to keep out unwelcome visitors, and headed towards the back of the gardens. There was, he knew, a high wall he'd have to scramble over but he was pretty sure he could do it.

Sliding through the shadows, Niall reached the place and stared up at the wall. It somehow seemed higher than he remembered. The stone was rough and it would provide a few places to put his hands and feet but it wasn't going to be easy. Niall felt his stomach churn a little. He wasn't very fit at the moment. The recent treatment and subsequent surgery had weakened him and Doctor Jozuko was always harping on at him about lifestyle changes and being sensible. She was right, he knew she was right but he'd come to the end of his patience with all this medical cr*p. He just wanted to be in his own home, living his own life. Well, he wouldn't achieve that standing here looking at a wall, he told himself. Walking forward he reached up feeling for a good handhold and started his slow and careful climb up the wall. He winced as weakened muscles began to protest and his recent surgery site pulled as he stretched his body seeking more hand and footholds.

"He's what!" Emiko Jozuka screamed at the hapless security guard. "You had one job, just one job  and you let him get out.!"

"Ma'am, I went to the restroom. I checked it was all quiet before I did. They were both snoring. What was I supposed to do?" the guard asked in frustration.

"Call another team member. I told you Mr Horan was objecting to being here. i warned you he'd try to leave. You'd better find him. He's still not well enough to be without medical supervision. Too much could go wrong. Find him!" She turned away and walked into the room. Louis had been woken up by the commotion and was sat up looking confused and demanding to know what was happening.

"Niall has left us," Emiko told him. "We're looking for him now."

"But he's still sick"Louis' face paled. "What if something happens to him and he can't get help. I'll help look". He started to climb out of his bed but the doctor pushed him back firmly.

"You stay here. We'll find him, he's still got to be in the grounds somewhere." She walked out, cursing under her breath in her native Japanese language.

Security, aided by all available staff, began to comb the building and grounds. They had regular drills for this type of thing and everyone knew their part. The building was systematically searched, security tapes being reviewed and staff constantly being updated.

"He left via the laundry room" Tom announced as he looked up from the tape he was reviewing. Da*n the man must have left when he went to get a coffee. He'd be watching the bank of screens all night and hadn't noticed anything odd. He knew heads would roll for this and he was likely to be one of them, especially if they didn't locate their patient before he left the grounds. Tom alerted all staff and the search moved to the extensive grounds. Here it became harder, too many places for someone to hide. The staff fanned out and floodlights suddenly illuminated the grounds as tom in the control room, activated the system.

The men moved rapidly, looking this way and that until one spotted Niall, still in a shadowed part of the ground, moving up the wall. He ran over rapidly and stood underneath the wall where Niall had almost reached the top.

"Going somewhere?" he asked pleasantly. Niall, taken by surprise, jerked and his grip on the wall faltered. He made an attempt to pull himself up into a safer position but his frail body refused to cooperate and, with a scream, he started to fall.

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