Warm your Hands Please!

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"Are you sure?" Niall asked, crestfallen at the news. "I mean, I don't feel that bad, really I don't"

"Niall, there is blood in your urine sample, not a good sign in itself. The back pain you mentioned is as a result of your kidneys being affected. You are having chest pains, vomiting and general pain. I know you don't want this but  it's the wisest route to take." Doctor Ward explained patiently. He understood Niall was upset and frustrated but he had to do what was best for the young man.

"OK" Niall eventually said.

"Excellent. Niall, I know you don't want this but  a few days now could prevent things turning into a worse scenario." the doctor said encouragingly.

"I know. You're right...and I'm just being childish. It's just that I've only just got free of the clinic and now I am back to square one yet again." Niall was despondent.

"Not quite ,  Niall. A few months ago you'd have run. At least now you see the sense of looking after yourself. Come on...let's go get things arranged."

Maura looked up as Niall entered the  waiting room where she had been idly chatting to Lisa. Her face immediately looked concerned on seeing the unhappy expression on her son's handsome face. "Niall?" she said quietly.

"Doc says I have to be hospitalised for a few days, get this flareup under control" Niall spoke , a hint of defeat in his voice.

"But you'll be Ok, won't you? They'll get you well again?" Maura said anxiously, not sure just how bad things were for Niall at that moment.

"Yeah" Niall smiled at her.

"Is it straight to the hospital, Ni?" Lisa asked

"I can to go collect my stuff first, then be there by 3pm. Doc Ward is getting it sorted now." Niall said  then continued "He's arranging for me to see the Rheumatologist guy there...says he's the best."

"We'd better get moving then" Lisa looked at her watch. "It's already nearly noon and traffic is deadly this time of day."

Lisa was right and traffic was horrendous. Niall was actually glad that he was not the one responsible for negotiating the car through all the congestion. Despite leaving in plenty of time, it was very nearly 3pm before  they reached Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre. 

Lisa had all the arrangements well under control and was able to take charge, leading Niall and Maura through various corridors until she reached a spacious square that appeared to have offices on all sides. Checking with a Receptionist, she was directed to one of the doors. "This way" she announced and led them over before tapping briefly on the door, opening it when a cultured, and very english accent  called out "Enter". She stood back and waved Niall and Maura through then  followed them through.

"Mr Hayes-Hamilton, I'm Lisa Jones. We spoke earlier.  This is Niall Horan and his mother, Mrs Gallagher. " Lisa introduced them. ' I'll leave you to it. " She turned to Maura "I'll be waiting for you when you are ready to leave". She smiled at everyone then left, leaving Niall to stare somewhat blankly at the tall, distinguished man before him.

"Mr Horan, Mrs Gallagher, please be seated." He waved his hand at two comfortable chairs situated in from of his large desk, Almost immediately there was a tap on the door and a tiny blond lady appeared with a tray bearing coffee which she placed before him before leaving. 

"Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Gordon Hayes-Hamilton' the man spoke as he busied himself pouring coffee for them all. " Doctor Ward has asked that I take over your care whilst you are a patient with us, Mr Horan.  My speciality is Rheumatology and he feels you'd benefit from my expertise ." The man smiled at them both. "Now I'm sure you have many questions so let's drink our  coffee as we  discuss how I can  best help you."

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