Roller Coaster Ride Of Emotions

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Niall had carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the one sheet of paper it contained.:

"Hey Bro" he read,

"I've been promised that you'll be given this one letter but I'd better let you know that we've all been told that there will be no further chance to communicate with you until the doctors decide you are, in their words, " well enough ". Not sure what they mean by that bro, but please get better soon.

Nialler, they seem pretty determined that you need this time away to  adjust and I guess I/ we agree with them. Harry, Liam and I have been real worried about you. We know that you think you can look after yourself , mate, but your track record hasn't been so great. Ignoring stuff isn't going to make it miraculously go away, bro.

I expect you're angry right now, I guess I would be too, having  my liberty taken away, but you need this Ni. Please don't fight this.

Take care of yourself, mate.


In a fit of temper, Niall screwed up the paper into a ball and threw it across the room. Even his so called mates were against him. Angry tears found their way down his cheeks and he dashed them away, furious with himself at his own weakness. He pulled the blanket off his knees and slowly pushed himself to his feet, wobbling dangerously as he balanced on weak legs.

"Niall, what are you doing?" the nurse hurried into the room and quickly put a supporting arm around Niall's small waist. " Let's get you back to bed, hunny". She guided him across the room and settled him back into his bed, pulling the covers over him. "I told you to stay put" she chided gently as Niall turned his head away. "Anyway, after lunch and a nap, I'll take you out into the garden. You can have some fresh air." She bustled about him, chatting pleasantly but all Niall wanted was her to go and leave him alone.

Why was everyone always telling him to take a nap? Niall muttered to himself. He wasn't some toddler that needed daily naps, he was a grown man and he'd make sure they knew it. He was sick of being pushed around. He stared at the ceiling angrily and his eyelids lowered. He jerked his eyes open again. He did not need to sleep! He continued to stare at the white ceiling above him  hen his eyes fluttered shut, until the sound of his soft snores were the only thing to be heard. The nurse crept in and studied her sleeping patient, a gentle smile on her lips. He was a stubborn one, she thought, as she tucked a blanket more securely around his thin form. Poor lamb, she thought, as she carefully brushed his hair off his face then scanned the room to make sure everything was in order. Her eyes lit upon the crumpled sheet of paper and she picked it up and smoothed it out before placing it in Niall's bedside locker. One final glance at her patient, she left the room as quietly as she had entered.

"Here you go" the nurse said cheerfully. Once Niall had woken from the nap he swore he hadn't needed, the nurse had helped him into a wheelchair and pushed him down several corridors until they had arrived in the garden Niall had seen from his window. The Arizonian sunshine was   bright  and there was just enough of a gentle breeze blowing to make it pleasant. Niall turned his face up to the sun and allowed himself to relax a little. The nurse applied the brakes and then fussed about Niall, making sure the blanket wrapped around him was secure and her patient was warm enough. She then pulled over a nearby seat and sat next to Niall, pulling her knitting from a bag she's slung over the handles at the back of Niall's wheelchair. Niall started to look about him. He could see other people, walking about, some chatting. He studied the garden, observing the wall that surrounded them. In the distance he could see decorative gates, with what appeared to be security men. He sighed. Was it to keep the patients in or visitors out?

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