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Niall lay back against the pillows, clutching the bowl in his shaking hands. He took deep breaths, trying to control the nausea but failing. He shot upright, hunched over the bowl as yet another barrage of vomit erupted from his mouth. He was so done, he thought as he weakly reached for the bell that would summons the nurse.

"Oh, sweetie" the nurse hurried towards him. Within minutes, she had whisked away the soiled bowl and had a clean one at the ready. Gently she then bathed Niall's sweaty face and hands before helping him brush his teeth. "Here, sweetie" she passed him a  cup of water, guiding the straw to his mouth."Just a few sips, ok". Niall did as he was told. He knew he was extremely dehydrated and needed fluids but he was also afraid even a few sips of water would reactive the nausea. "Try and rest, now". The nurse lowered the back of the bed slightly then dimmed the lights before leaving him in the gloom. He was asleep in moments.

"Yes, thank you, nurse. You did the right thing in calling me" Gordon Hayes-Hamilton smiled down at the nurse facing him as he praised her.. "Set up the iV immediately, he needs fluids desperately. I've also increased the strength of the anti-nausea medication. We'll see if that helps." He sighed. He had just finished examining Niall who hadn't even stirred , still unconscious to the world. "I had hoped...but it looks like these drugs are not helping. ' He rubbed a tired hand over his face. "I'll be back in a few hours". He went back to his office , sat at his desk and pulled another folder towards him. He scanned the notes then reached for the phone.

Niall stayed asleep until the following morning , feeling like he'd been hit by a train as every cell in his body seemed to be screaming at him in pain. His eyes felt like the eyelids brushing over them were made of sandpaper, he was cold and shaky. He couldn't continue with this, he told himself. Right now he thought even death would preferable to this intense pain. He groaned when the door opened and Gordon Hayes-Hamilton , accompanied by a man Niall had never seen before. They both wished him good morning and pulled up chairs next to his bedside. Niall eyed them warily. There definitely wasn't anything good about this morning, in his view, and he just wanted them to leave him alone.

"Niall, this drug combination isn't working and we are withdrawing it immediately" Hayes- Hamilton began the conversation. "But we'd like to try.................."

" NO!" Niall yelled. "You're no trying anything else, you hear me. I've f.cking had enough"

"Niall, please, just listen" Hayes-Hamilton pleaded with his distraught patient. "I know you feel extremely ill and are fed up but please just listen to what my colleague here, has to say before you say no. Please?" He looked at Niall who was glaring at him, blue eyes blazing brightly with anger and pain. "Please?" . Niall shrugged then folded his arms., waiting for the other man to speak.

"Mr Horan,Niall, I am Noah Bannon and I am a research specialist in Lupus. I've developed a drug that I think is going to be instrumental in  improving  the  treatment of Lupus in the future. It's about to enter  Phase three and so far the research results have been promising. If you agree, and subject to satisfactory tests, I'd like  to treat your condition with it." the man stopped speaking and looked at Niall, who had his entire focus on the man.

"So, what's so different about this drug? And what about the side effects? I'm sick of puking my guts up every few minutes just because one of you thinks this or that drug will make me well? Why should I?" Niall's normal soft voice was harsh with   combination of frustration and anger.

"Gordon, would you mind if I spoke with Niall alone?" Noah Bannon asked as he turned to the other man sat next to him. Hayes-Hamilton stood reluctantly but agreed, saying he would return shortly. Noah nodded his thanks then waited until the man had left the room before pulling his chair even closer to Niall and beginning to talk. He pulled open the folder he'd been clutching and soon he and Niall had their heads bent over it as Noah explained the treatment, showed Niall test results and graphs, explaining them carefully to the young Irishman. Niall asked question after question which was answered as honestly and as fully as Noah could manage. It was only a tapping on the door heralding Gordon Hayes-Hamilton's return, that ended their conversation.

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