Control........or Controlled? That's The Question.

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Dave pulled the Virtuous flower towards himself and pulled out his own pen. He started writing in each 'petal'....Take medication regularly'.......'Regular check ups with doctor'......"Eat regularly and healthily'.....'Relax'......'Avoid getting overtired'.......'Educate yourself about your illness'.......'get support from family and friends'.....'Use CBT and other therapies'.....'stay on top of all health issues, no matter how trivial they seem.'    He capped his pen and pushed the  sheet of paper towards Niall.

"It's just taking control of me" Niall said as he read through the comment. "It's ruling me and I don't want it.

"Niall, it's not controlling's you taking control. Don't you see? " He got the vicious flower and pushed that in front of Niall. "Look, this is what happened when you only think you have end up sick......and you end up here!" Dave stood, placed a hand on Niall's shoulder ". Think about it" and he walked away, leaving Niall staring down at the two sheets of paper.

"Niall? You've been cooped up all morning, why not go into the grounds, get some air and sunshine" Jonah, Niall's Orderly suggested as he walked over to where Niall was sitting, still staring at the papers before him.

"Mmmh, what?" Niall looked up at the man, a blank expression on his face.

"I was suggesting you go out into the gardens" Jonah repeated patiently. He wondered if his stubborn charge would listen or whether he'd need more encouragement  but, much to his surprise, Niall stood , and scooping up his papers, wandered in the direction of the gardens. Jonah heaved a sigh of relief. Niall was stubborn and Jonah knew this needed to be discouraged if Niall was to make progress. He glanced at his watch. Time to head to the staff meeting.

The Conference room was buzzing with small talk when Doctor Mark Kershaw entered the room. Immediately talk dropped away and everyone sat up straight, their attention focussed on the Head of the Facility.

"Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen" Mark said, seating himself at the head of the long table. "I  take it you all have your updated reports ready for me?" he asked pleasantly and was answered with murmurs of assent. "Then let us start."

One by one, the Orderlies went through their reports on the patients that had been assigned to each of them. All Orderlies were, in fact, Specialist Nurses. Their function was to  monitor their patients closely, track their progress, make sure all therapy sessions and  medical appointments  were attended and that prescribed medications were properly taken and meals eaten. Mark listened to each report, making comments and suggestions as he wrote down his own notes on each patient.

"Niall Horan....Jonah, I believe you're his Orderly?" Mark said as he opened a file bearing Niall's name and scanned through the notes it contained. Jonah confirmed  that he was working with Niall. "How's it going?" Mark wanted to know. "I understand that the young man did not choose to come here and is, in fact, extremely resistant to being with us."

"Mmmh,  yes I am" Jonah confirmed, as he scanned quickly through his own notes. "He tries to challenge everything, from eating to taking medication. He has, however, attended all his appointments with Dave without too much of a push and Dave seems to be having some small success in that area."

"Ah, yes. I have Dave's  update on Mr Horan here. He seems to be finding a more unorthodox approach works better with Niall than the standard therapeutic method. He has asked that he be allowed to take Niall off the facility. He's done it once....without permission...and it appears that it enabled Niall to move forward a little. Dave wants to do this again. What is your view?" Mark looked at Jonah over the top of his spectacles. "Any thoughts..objections?"

"None particularly from me" Jonah said thoughtfully "It did appear to kick start Niall eating although that hasn't remained consistent. I know Emiko is concerned that Niall might pick up some illness as his immune system is compromised  but........"Jonah paused for a moment before he continued..."if the benefits outweigh the risks..I'm all for it."

"Then I'll give Dave the 'go ahead' Mark said. "Niall is being led to believe it will be without our knowledge however." He grinned.

"Naturally" Jonah replied and smiled widely.

After a few more matters had been discussed and plans for each patient decided, Mark called the meeting to a close and the staff dispersed to their various duties. Jonah immediately went in search of Niall, whom he found sat under a shady tree in a very quiet part of the garden. Niall appeared deep in thought and jumped when Jonah suddenly spoke.

"I'm sorry" Jonah was apologetic "Didn't mean to make you jump. Just came to call you for can't hear the bell out here." He held out a hand and pulled Niall to his feet. "After dinner, Doctor Jozuka wants to see you. Time for your weekly physical."

"Not hungry and I'm fine, don't need to see her" was Niall's immediate reply, making Jonah shake his head.

"Sorry, Niall.  No choice" he flung a casual arm over Niall's thin shoulders and walked him back into the dining room, making sure Niall stayed put at his table.

"This is totally unnecessary" Niall grumbled as he sat on the paper covered examination couch, dressed in the despised gown. "I'm not sick".

"Sssh" was the only comment as the doctor listened carefully to his chest, moving her stethoscope from place to place."Cough" she murmured and Niall obliged. "Again" . Eventually she pulled the ends of the instrument out of her ears and started too feel the glands in Niall's neck before requesting he lay down on his bed. Then the prodding began as she looked at his joints, checking for any swelling or other sign that the Lupus could be about to flare up. "Good" she finally commented and allowed her patient to sit up. "Just need some blood from you" and she crossed the room to get what she needed before returning to Niall, who liked slightly pale. "I'll be quick" she smiled at him "I know you are not a big fan of needles..........there, all done!"

"Yah!" Niall cheered slightly sarcastically making Emiko smile at him. He was stubborn and uncooperative but she was getting fond of her patient and understood that it was fear and unhappiness that made Niall such a prickly patient. This stay at the facility would do him nothing but good, even if he couldn't see it yet. Already tiny things were beginning to change.

Jonah had made his final visit to Niall before 'lights out' and was pleasantly surprised when Niall took all his required medication both without complaint or reluctance. That was a first! Once he was sure that Niall was settled, Jonah left and Niall curled up on the couch  staring once again at the two flower pictures he'd done with Dave that morning. Suddenly he reached out to the phone and asked to be put through to extension 144. When the call went through, he spoke quickly , wanting to get it out before he changed his mind.

"Dave, I know it's late, but can we talk......please?"

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