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"Keep talking to him" the nurse advised . "It may help him wake up". She smiled gently at the small Irish woman who had arrived a few hours ago, looking grey and exhausted. Maura nodded and reached out to hold her son's hand that was resting on the top of the white blanket covering  him. His face was swollen and bruised from where he had hit his head against the side window of the car.  Maura thought that, at that moment, he didn't even look like her son. A slow tear trickled down her cheek.

"Li, how is he?" Louis rasped, his voice sounding rusty.Liam picked up the glass of water from the table and held it so his mate could have a drink. He had to guide the straw to Louis mouth as the lad couldn't move easily.

"No change" Liam replied quietly. "Maura's with him now and Bobby will be here tomorrow."

"My fault, I should never have taken him out" Louis closed his eyes, his expression one of pain and regret. "I knew something would happen."

"Mate, you can't blame yourself. Ni's pretty persuasive  and you couldn't predict want would happen." Liam tried to reassure his friend.

"It is my fault, Li. I should have said no to him. I know what Niall's like" Louis shouted.

"Mate, calm down, you'll make yourself even sicker" Liam rested a hand on Louis shoulder, worried by his friend's vehement response. At the sound of Louis raised voice, a nurse appeared, her face concerned.

"Sir, I think maybe you should leave. Mr Tomlinson mustn't get agitated " She said firmly.

"Yeah...look, bro..I'll see you tomorrow. Look after yourself." Liam left quietly, leaving the nurse to fuss over his friend. Liam glanced at his watch. He'd go see Maura and Niall. Maybe there had been a change.

The only sounds in the room were the clicks of machines and the slow but steady beep of the heart monitor and the occasional stifled sob from Maura. Liam entered rather shyly, desperate to know how Niall was, yet unwilling to disturb Maura's vigil.

"Liam" Maura caught sight of him and stood to pull him into her arms for a hug. "How are you?" she asked "Are you alright? And Louis? Is he going to be OK? The nurses wouldn't tell me anything."

"Louis is.....not doing good" Liam searched for the best way of saying it. He's....he's blaming himself" He finally blurted out.

"Oh poor sweet lad" Maura was immediately sympathetic. "It was Niall's stubbornness. He always was a stubborn one, from the moment he was born. Do you think he'll let me see him?"

"Seriously, Maura..I think it would help him. the guilt, the blaming's not helping him" Liam said . "He sustained some serious injuries himself. The other driver hit Lou's side of the car."  Liam stopped , then continued " weird that Louis side had the  first impact yet Ni........" his voice trailed away as he looked down at the still figure in the bed. All the boys had grown and filled out since the first days they had been put together as a band but somehow Niall and Louis never got much taller, never filled out in the way Liam and Harry had. Looking at him know, Liam thought Niall looked as small as he had done when he was 16. It broke Liam's heart looking at his injured bandmate.

"Poor lad" Maura murmured and Liam wasn't sure if it was Niall or Louis that she meant.

The sky outside gradually darkened and Maura stood up, moving stiffly after sitting for so long. "I'm just going to see how Louis is, sweetheart" she bent down and kissed her son's forehead gently "I'll be back soon." There was no response, not even a flicker of the eyelashes. Maura sighed softly and walked away.

Louis was staring at the ceiling. The nurse had put the TV on for him but Louis wasn't interested. He just stared into space. He had remained quiet but cooperative whilst she had bustled about washing him, checking his monitors  and helping him take a few sips of water but he didn't speak. She had pinned the call bell to his pillow where he could easily find it then left him to see to her other patients. She felt badly for the young man, totally understanding his concern for his friend. Biting her lip, she wondered if taking him to see Niall would help him....or make things worse? Well, he was too ill himself to be moved for the time being. 

"Can I help you?" the nurse asked the anxious looking woman who was looking around in a slightly confused manner.

"Oh, please" Maura responded politely. "My son is in the ICU but his friend is here...Louis.... Louis Tomlinson."

"Mr Tomlinson is very unwell at the moment. I don't think..." the nurse started but Maura interrupted

"Louis is blaming himself for what happened. I want to tell him it wasn't his fault. Please? Just for a few minutes?" Maura begged.

"I really don't think that...."the nurse paused then nodded her head " Just for a few minutes..and please don't upset him." She showed Maura to a door and opened. "Mr Tomlinson?" He turned  is head slowly to look at her. "You have a visitor...Remember, a few minutes only" and she stood back to allow Maura through.

"Louis, my love" Maura approached the bed and gingerly hugged the man occupying it, afraid to cause him pain due to his extensive injuries. "I am so glad you are going to be OK"

"I'm sorry, Maura, I'm so sorry" Louis said brokenly, resting his head on Maura's shoulder.

"Oh sweetheart, hush now." Maura soothed the distraught young man. "You have to stop doing this" she said firmly and pulling away to look him in the eyes. "It was an accident. An accident, you hear. Let's hear no more of you blaming yourself" She hugged him  o her again and Louis emotions burst. He missed his own mother desperately and to be wrapped up in a motherly hug tipped him over the edge and he sobbed bitterly. Maura continues to hold him, gently rubbing his back until the hiccuping sobs subsided and Louis became quiet. Maura could feel his warm even breath on her neck and carefully released his body to lay back against the pillows. Louis was asleep and experiencing the first natural sleep since the accident. The nurse entered the room at that point and Maura placed a finger to her lips. "He's asleep" she whispered and the both left, Maura to return to her own son.

The nurses had shooed Maura out after a few more hours and Liam took her to his home. Jetlag, exhaustion and worry soon had their effect and Maura was deeply asleep in one of the guest rooms. Liam was too wired to sleep and paced his den, trying to burn off the adrenalin fuelled energy. It finally worked and he slumped down on the couch, falling asleep immediately.

One of the monitors attached to Niall's frail body sent out it's warning alarm and nurses and doctors raced to his bedside.

"His blood pressure is dropping like a stone" the doctor shouted, face grave. He pulled back the sheet covering Niall and stared, horror struck, as Niall's swollen belly. "He's bleeding internally..I think his spleen has ruptured. Get him to theater now...and pray we are not too late."

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