"A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"

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Niall peered closely at his reflection in the mirror.The rash seemed to have faded considerably over night and now only a darkish pint tint stained his pale face. He sighed with relief and began to shave off yesterday's scruff from his chin. His mother was crazy, it wasn't a rash, it was sunburn.

"But you did that last time" Niall grumbled as the nurse took his temperature and blood pressure.He'd arrived early for his appointment and the nurse had wasted no time in calling him in to begin her routine observations.

"I'm sorry, Mr Horan, but it needs to be done every time you have an appointment" The nurse replied patiently, smiling at the fretful young man. She noted down the readings on his chart. "Doctor Ward will be with you shortly" and she left Niall sitting on the examination couch .

"Niall! Thanks for coming in earlier. I appreciate it. How are you?" The doctor sat opposite Niall , smiling patiently at Niall who so obviously didn't want to be there.

"I'm good. Getting more sleep now but still tired." I'm more run down than I thought" Niall admitted.

"Well, the routine blood tests show that you are anaemic . That accounts for the tiredness, certainly, and we can sort that out easily enough for you. Any other problems since I saw you last?"

"Nah, nothing important, just tired and I ache a bit..knees especially. I'm just stiff, probably need to get back to working out more" Niall said, tone dismissive.

"Well, how about you undress and I'll take a look"

"Seriously, Doc? You did that last time. You just said it was anaemia so..." Niall said unhappily. He just wanted to get something for the anaemia and get out of the place.

"Seriously, Niall. And the sooner we start, the sooner I'm done" the doctor said coaxingly. Niall groaned but started to pull off his T-Shirt.

"Down to the boxers, Niall. You know the drill" Doctor Ward said as he picked up his stethoscope.

"Don't you ever warm that thing? " Niall mumbled but received a gentle 'shhh' in response. The doctor then looked at Niall's knees, bending them and stretching them again, before picking up Niall's hands and looking at them closely. He then felt around Niall's glands, making Niall flinch in surprise.

"OK, Niall, you can dress now". Niall sat up and swung his legs over the side of the couch before standing and pulling his clothes back on. He sat down opposite the Doctor who, for once, had a closed expression on his face. Niall frowned but said nothing as he watched the doctor scribble down what seemed like a lot of notes on his chart before laying his pen down and looking back up at Niall. "Niall, have you been totally honest with me?"

"Yeah, Of course I have" Niall responded

"Ok, Let's suppose you've told me everything. How about I tell you things and you say if I'm right or wrong?" the doctor's tone was patient. "remember you're the man who fractured his foot but couldn't tell me how. Let's start with the aches and pains...tell me more"

"Just my knees ache lately, but that often happens. My fingers have been swollen and sore but...'' Niall shrugged.

"OK, any chest pains recently?" the doctor continued his questions.

"Before I saw you last time. I pulled a few muscles, shifting furniture and heavy boxes. I rested and it eased off. Why?"

"Never mind that for now. Your face, looks like you've had a rash?"

"I fell asleep in the sun" Niall answered. Why did everyone insist it was a rash.

"And how does being in the sun make you feel, Niall?" the doctor's calm questioning continued.

"Prickly. I suppose it's just heat rash" Niall wondered why he was bing asked such odd questions.

"Niall, I want some more blood tests done. There could be a number of things wrong with you, some easily sorted, some a little more challenging to treat. Until I get the results, I'll not know what we can discard and what we need to consider"

"But you've just done tests" Niall sounded fretful. He hated needles and surely the other tests were enough.

"Niall, I was looking for simple causes for your tiredness, plus I only had a vague guideline from you about how you were feeling. I have more information now. Look, just let me investigate a bit more. I'm probably being overly careful but humour me"

"Ok, if I have to" Niall sighed and allowed the doctor to draw off six vials of blood. "Hey, leave me some, don't take it all!" he whined making the doctor laugh.

"All done, Niall. I'll contact you when we know what's going on" The doctor escorted Niall to the door.

"Doc? Can I ask what you're looking for?" Niall turned back to look at the doctor.

"I'm not sure, Niall. I need to eliminate a few things and the blood work will help me do that."

"I'll wait till I hear from you then" Niall smiled and left. The doctor turned back to his desk and picked up Niall's notes and re read them. '"What am I looking for? A wolf in sheep's clothing, Niall" he murmured."A wolf in sheep's clothing"

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