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"But Nialler, you won't be going alone. I'm going to come too 'cos I want to recover out of sight of the paps. It will do us both good". Louis turned pleading eyes on Niall who sat, shoulders hunched as he continually shook his head. He'd been to that clinic before and he didn't want to return. 

"No, not going." Niall glared at Louis. "You go if you want, I'm going home." He stood up and picked up his backpack and headed towards the door. leaving Louis staring in exasperation at his retreating back.

"Ah Niall, you and Louis ready to go?" James, Niall's Manager walked in and smiled at the two men. "Problem?" he asked pleasantly as he took in the expressions on their faces.

"Niall won't go" Louis responded flatly. "He wants to go home."

"I see" James responded, a strange smile on his face. "Well, I hate to disappoint him Louis, but he's joining you at the clinic."

"I am not!" was the hot reply from Niall as he turned his glare on his Manager. "Jimjam you can't make me!."

"But I can, young Niall" James pulled a sheet of papers from his bag and waved them under Niall's nose. "Your contract...remember the clause? I can act in your best interests if I deem it necessary. And this is necessary. I've done it before and I'll do it again. So..." James looked at Niall sternly "will you go willingly? Or by force? Your choice." He watched as various emotions flittered across Niall's pale face.

"You win" Niall growled bad-tempered " but when I get out, I'm changing Managers."

"OK," James said good-naturedly knowing his friend didn't mean it in the slightest. "Let's get moving, everything is arranged. He shepherded both men out of the room and through the maze of corridors until they arrived at the exit. " Right lads,  keep your heads down, don't answer any questions" James opened the door and, flanked by security, pushed their way through the hoard of Paps screaming questions at them as they headed towards the waiting SUV.

"That was intense" Louis remarked, breathing heavily and rubbing his still tender side where his kidney had been removed. "I'd forgotten what it was like. You OK, bro?" He turned his blue eyes on Niall, who had collapsed in his seat, struggling to breathe. Louis instantly moved to sit next to him, rubbing his back soothingly. "Take some deep breaths for me, NI, you're safe now." He continued to massage Niall's back, letting out a sigh of relieve as Niall's breathing became less labored and his body relaxed.

"Yeah, intense" Niall finally had breath to reply. He settled back in his seat and Louis clipped the seatbelt over him then fastened his own. The car moved off slowly, as the Paps tried to take more pictures.

Niall blinked sleepily as the small jet shuddered to a halt at Tucson International Airport. Both he and Louis had slept through the short flight, both men still recovering from their recent surgeries. James smiled at them both as they yawned and stretched cautiously before standing and gathering up their belongings. James had already had their clothes, guitars and other items they might require, shipped to the clinic to await their arrival.

"It's just an hour ride away lads" James chirped as he ushered them into a waiting car. "You'll be there and settled in no time." Louis nodded cheerfully but Niall remained silent, glaring at the ground. He wasn't happy and he was making sure James knew it. He wasn't going to be pushed around at the clinic. He'd find a way out. He smiled a small private smile. Escape! He pondered his options as they traveled, leaving Louis and James to talk together, paying no heed to their conversation.

"Niall, it's great to see you again" Jonah smiled welcomingly. He'd been Niall's Orderly during his last stay and he had grown fond of the stubborn Irishman. He knew not to take Niall's moods seriously as he understood it was only frustration, not a mean streak, that made Niall react badly.

"Hey" Niall replied. "Umh..this is Louis." He pointed to Louis who instantly stuck out a hand to shake.

"Great. Come this way, you're being roomed together in the Hospital wing until Emiko decides you can join the main Unit." Jonah said cheerfully, referring to Dr. Jozuka. Niall remembered the pretty Janapese doctor. He also remembered how strict she was and he wasn't looking forward to being her patient again. He followed Jonah through the building, muttering to himself as Louis trailed behind, looking around him with interest. "Here we are!" Jonah flung open the door and gestures for the two men to walk through. "Right, you'll find gowns on the beds. Undress please..everything..." Niall blushed "and get into bed.  I'll go let Emiko know you've arrived.." He left the men to follow his instructions as he went to find the Doctor.

Louis sat on his bed, swinging his legs and studying his phone whilst Niall changed reluctantly into his gown, cursing quietly.

"Come on, Nialler. It's not that bad, lad" Louis looked up at his friend and smiled soothingly. "We'll do what we're told, get better and leave."

"Leave? You realize we're prisoners here? It's worse than jail, mate" Niall huffed as he sat down on his bed. "They never leave you alone. Sleep now, wake up now, eat this, do that. I hate it and as soon as I get the chance I'm going to........"

"Going to what?" Both men jumped as they hadn't heard the door opening. Niall swallowed convulsively in shock as he looked at Dr. Emiko Jozuka in consternation. Just how much had she heard? And just how much had she put together? He blushed furiously as he mumbled something.

"Sorry, Niall didn't catch that" Emiko replied cheerfully. She had a very shrewd idea what her patient had been about to say but wisely kept it to herself whilst making a mental note to increase the watch on this young man. "Now, I have been sent your notes" she continued, waving some folders in the air "So let's just have a look and see how you  both are doing after your journey."

The room was in darkness and the silence was only disturbed by the soft snores of the two men. Emiko Jozuka smiled as she tucked a blanket more securely around Niall's small form, cast a glance over at Louis who was deeply asleep. She crept quietly out of the room, closing the door gently behind her.

"Keep an eye on them. I think one of my patients may be planning to abscond" She told the burly man sat on a chair outside the door before departing for her own room.

The Wolf In sheeps clothingWhere stories live. Discover now