Another Chance at Life.

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"Blood pressure has improved, temperature is now normal and Niall is breathing on his own" the nurse informed Noah as he entered the room. "He's definitely more  stable now." Noah nodded and approached Niall, studying his face. It had been a few days since he had added the boosted drug into Niall's treatment and Niall had begun to respond favorably from the first dose. The sense of relief was overwhelming. Noah  felt sick every time he thought about how close he had come to killing his patient through doubting his own research and not involving the necessary injections. Thank G*d he had come to his senses in time.

"The transplant is scheduled". Caleb appeared behind Noah. "Living donor transfer as planned . Everything checks out and the donor has been through counselling and I'm assured he knows exactly what is involved."

"Who?" Noah asked . Caleb   had been very closed mouthed about the volunteer who has offered a kidney to Niall. " Has his sibling finally agreed?"

"Nope. It seems the two of them are still estranged and so we're using someone else who closely fits the criteria . Not an absolute perfect solution, they never are, but it will certainly save this young life."   Caleb  said quietly. "I'll let you know when we are going a head. Good job, Noah". He nodded his head towards the still figure in the hospital bed. "You've given him another chance. If he comes through this, then who knows who else will benefit from your research." He patted Noah on the back and Noah closed his eyes in relief. Another chance at life....awesome, he thought.

Niall shifted irritably in his bed, he felt tired and his entire body seemed to be a mass of pain. His head was pounding. He struggled to open his eyes, blinking in the bright lights. Eventually he was able to see more clearly then started to turn his head to look around the room.

"Da?" Niall's voice sounded rusty and talking was an effort. Bobby immediately stood at the sound of his son's voice and moved to the side of the bed.

"Niall, oh Niall. You're awake" Bobby felt his eyes tear up. Despite all the reassurances from Caleb that Niall was improving, he could not believe it was possible. Yet, here was his precious son, eyes open and recognising him. He closed his eyes in a brief but heartfelt silent prayer of thanks. He opened his eyes and smiled down at his boy. "I am just so glad you're awake. I'll call the doctor" Bobby pressed the call bell and within minutes Caleb appeared, Noah hot on his heels.

"Well then, Niall. It's good to have you back with us." Caleb smiled at his patient "Let's just see how you are doing." Bobby stood back whilst Caleb examined Niall, talking encouragingly to him the whole time. "Now then, things are looking a little better. We now need to discuss the next step in your treatment." He pulled up a chair and sat down and began to talk.

"So I go on the transplant list?" Niall asked quietly. His mind was whirling with everything Caleb had told him and he just wanted to go back to sleep and blessed oblivion.

"No, not exactly" Caleb explained patiently for the second time as Niall wasn't really registering what he was being told. "We already have a donor who has offered a kidney to you. We can go ahead with the operation almost immediately if you agree."

"And if I don't?" Niall queried, uncomfortable with the idea of accepting such a gift from someone. 

"Then I am sorry Niall, you will be on dyalisis until your body can't take anymore. This transplant gives you a second chance at life, Niall, if you take it." Caleb's tone was sober. "But, the choice is yours,  it's totally up to you." Niall nodded.

"I need to think. Have I got time to think?" Niall wanted to know.

"Yes, Niall, take the time that you need...just don't take too long." Caleb stood up . "I'll let you rest. Maybe you and your father can discuss it when you feel more rested." He smiled at both men and left the room, leaving Bobby and Niall looking at one another.

"Da? What do I do?" Niall said anxiously.

"Sleep on it, son. Remember what I always used to tell you when you were younger. Answers often come when we sleep." Bobby advised and smiled to himself when Niall gave a soft nod then closed his eyes, drifting back into much needed sleep.

Niall was aware that he was dreaming in that odd way people often do. He could see himself on stage with the other lads, then as a soloist. It was all he had ever wanted to do and here he was, living his dream. Then his dream darkened and he could see himself tied to a hospital bed as a machine did the work of his failing kidneys. Answers, he needed answers. What should he do? Then his dream faded and he fell into a deeper level of sleep, sleep so deep  that he ceased dreaming.

When Niall woke up again several hours later, it was to see a pair of bare feet propped up on his bed, right my his face. Niall gingerly pushed himself up, mindful of all the wires attached to his body, and found himself studying the sleeping owner of the feet.......Louis!

"Lou? Louis?" Niall whisper yelled at the sleeping man. Louis grumbled in his sleep but didn't wake up making Niall resort to more violent methods to wake up his friend. He gave the feet a firm push and they fell to the floor. Louis immediately woke up and, totally disorientated, sprang to his feet, looking around himself in confusion. Despite his own discomfort, Niall giggled at the sight. "Lou" he managed to gasp out between giggles.

"What, where" Louis yelled then, taking in his friend's laughing face, realised what had happened. He dragged a hand over his face and smiled himself. "Hey mate, it's  good to see you awake." Louis said as he made himself comfortable on the side of Niall's bed.

"Bro, I'm glad you're here" Niall said quietly after they had exchanged small talk for a few minutes. "I've been offered a kidney. But I don't know how I feel about it. I don't know what to do. What person offers you their kidney? I mean, that's quite something...and I don't know how I feel about it."

"Mate, if someone wants to do that, then I'd accept the gift. It means they care about you, bro. They offer their kidney because they want to, not because they are made to do it." Louis studied his nails, picking at the skin around them, as he spoke, not looking at Niall. He was too afraid that his expression might betray him. He was desperate for Niall to agree to the transplant but was afraid that if he knew who the donor was, Niall would refuse immediately. 

"But, it means they have just one kidney too. What if it goes wrong, what then, Lou?" Niall's voice was anxious, quiet.

"Ni, that's their choice , mate. They've been through counselling. They know what is involved. They aren't going into this blind, bro" Louis said firmly, hoping his confident tone would help.The room fell silent and Louis held his tongue, knowing that Niall was contemplating what he had just said. Eventually Niall nodded his head

"Ok, I'll do it"

"Bro, I am so glad. You don't know how happy that's made me" Louis smile was so bright, it looked like the sun had burst into the room, filling every corner. "Let's tell the Doc!."

"You're sure Louis, absolutely sure?" Caleb tone was grave. "And you want to remain anonymous?"

"I'm positive....when do we do this?" Louis grinned at Caleb, suddenly feeling very light hearted.

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