It's Called Compromise

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"How did you manage it?"Niall was eager to know. 

"I think it was calling him out on his b*££Sh*T that did it. Seriously though, Ni, he's a good guy, a good doctor. He just forgot that sometimes there is more to his patients then just the illness they are experiencing. And I'm glad he's willing to let me work with you." Dave said lightly then his tone changed to serious. "But you do need to work with me, Ni, because if you don't show you're improving, he'll put a stop to it."

"Ok, yeah, I got it" Niall agreed immediately. "So......."

"So....why the no eating bit again" Dave wanted to know. "You were doing good then I find you claim you're not hungry. The food here is good, not great, but good.So why?" He looked at Niall who sighed heavily before replying.

"Control, I guess. It started as control. I can't control this d*mn illness but I could control whether I ate or not. And now, I just genuinely don't feel hungry." Niall admitted, blushing slightly. It sounded so childish, so stupid now he thought about the reason but he couldn't help it, it was really how he felt. He sighed again. "I guess that I've avoided food  to the point I have genuinely lost my appetite."

"I understand, Ni. I really do" he continued when he saw Niall's skeptical expression. "It's actually quite a normal reaction when we are extremely stressed. We need to feel we have some kind of control over something so we pick on something. For you, you are trapped here, at the whim of the medical profession so you try and take back some control by refusing to eat. Normal, but stupid, Niall, because all it does is make you more ill, gets me called in,  and that defeats the object because you loose even more control. Vicious Flower, remember!"

"I know, I'm sorry" Niall was apologetic. "I was trying and then, I don't know, I just needed...needed..."

"Control" Dave supplied. "You needed control. But Niall, there are better ways of taking control. And one of those ways is by accepting help so you are in control of your health." He smiled at Niall sympathetically. "How about we start taking back control now?"

"OK" Niall agreed but his tone was so doubtful.

"Right..what would you really like to do right now?" Dave queried .

"Get out of here" was the instant response.

"So what needs to happen for this to work?"Dave looked at Niall, who was frowning in thought.

"Get better, get medication sorted out, eat" Niall supplied.

"Ok. So let's see if we can do some bargaining. If you eat...we'll start small...we'll ask if you can go out for a few hours with me. It's not what you really want but it's a compromise." Dave suggested and got a nod from Niall." Ok, let's start" Dave reached out and pressed the call bell and , much to Niall's relief, Jennie appeared, a smile on her face.

"Ah, Jennie is it?" Dave asked with a smile "Do you think this young man could have a piece of toast and a glass of milk?"

"He sure can" Jennie replied "but would you be willing to swop the milk for a fortified milkshake?" She looked at Niall questioningly. Niall started to shake his head but Dave immediate whispered one word at him "Compromise". Niall paused a moment then agreed.

"Here you are, hunnie" Jennie returned quickly. "I've  given you just a small drink. You can have more if you want after." Dave could have kissed the woman. It was if she understood that too much food would have been counterproductive and make Niall shut down even more..

"Just two bites more, Ni" Dave encouraged. Niall groaned but complied and the slice of toast was finished. "Now just let that settle and have a few sips of the milk". Niall drank, managing a third of the  contents of the small glass that Jennie had given him.

"I can't drink any more" Niall moaned. I feel full"

"That's fine, you did great, Niall. " Dave praised and saw Niall's face lit up with relief.

"Well done, hunnie" Jennie said cheerfully when she collected the tray a few minutes later, and Dave knew she'd be an important ally. Dave decided to plunge in see just how supportive she'd be.

"Jennie, I was wondering if I could take Niall out of the room for a short time, give him a change of scenery?" Dave smiled at her hopefully. She frowned in thought.

"Well, he'd have to stay in a policy..but I don't see it is a problem. Tell you what, I'll check with one of his doctors and get back to you." She disappeared. Minutes ticked by and Niall was getting despondent.

"Here you go" the door opened and Jennie walked in, pushing a wheelchair. "Mr Hayes-Hamilton has agreed so long as you  keep it fairly brief. The garden is quite lovely." She helped Niall out of the bed and into the chair, covering him warmly, , then gave directions to the garden before leaving.

"Hey, that's the wrong way" Niall said as Dave turned right. He turned to look over his shoulder at Dave you grinned and wriggled his eyebrows.

"I know" was all Dave said, making Niall roar with laughter. Dave smiled inwardly at the sound, another barrier Niall had erected was breaking down.

"Dave you're insane" Niall giggled happily as Dave drove through the area, pretending to be a tour guide, and giving a running commentary about the people they saw, making up outrageously funny characters for them all. Niall ended up laughing so much his ribs ached .

"Definitely" Dave agreed, joining in the laughter "Maybe I need to book an appointment with myself" which made Niall giggle even more. "But, I guess we'd better get back or we'll be rumbled.

"I don't want to go back" Niall's face fell. "I want to go home and forget about everything."

"Ni, I wish you could but remember what we talked about. This is the only way to take back control." Dave responded quietly.

"Yeah" Niall's voice was so quiet, it was barely above a whisper. "Back to jail, then:" he said sadly.

"Thank goodness you're back." Jennie greeted them with relief. "Mr Hayes-Hamilton has been by twice, wanting to know where you were."She eyed them knowingly. "And don't tell me you were in the gardens, because you weren't!"

"OK, I won't tell you we were in the gardens" Dave replied cheekily "But let's pretend we were." 

"Niall, into bed quick. I need to get your 'obs' done before either Doctor returns. "You'll get me fired at this rate" Jennie said firmly though smiling as she spoke.She immediately set about checking Niall,s blood pressure and temperature, swiftly recording the results on his chart.

"Ah, Niall. You've materialised again. Where were you?" Mr Hayes-Hamilton asked as he walked into the room.

"Umm. I...." Niall began. looking very sheepish.

"He was in the garden" Jennie interrupted quickly. "I didn't check the Arbour". She winked at Niall who nodded vigorously. Definitely an ally and just want Niall needed right now.

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