Expert Intervention or.......?

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James was pushed hurriedly out of the room as the staff came running. All he could do was stare at the closed door and wait. Eventually, people started to leave Niall's room and the doctor walked over to James.

"What the h*ll happened? Is Niall all right?" James' voice came out in a squeak, he was so scared.

"Looks like Niall's temperature spiked causing him to have a seizure. It would appear he's had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. He's not in any danger ." the doctor said calmly "We've got the situation in hand"

"Now what?" James asked anxiously.

"We change the antibiotic to one which hopefully he'll react to in a positive way. Then it's just a case of careful nursing and constant monitoring ."

"Can I see him ?" James immediately wanted to know.

"No, he's sleeping now. It's the best thing for him. The man is physically exhausted. He needs as much rest as possible. I suggest you ring tomorrow for an update. Naturally, if there are any concerns, Niall's next of kin will be informed if there are any issues."The doctor shook James' hand and walked off, leaving James to look at Niall's door as a nurse went through into the room. Shaking his head, he walked away. Time to contact Niall's father. Niall has insisted his mother be kept in the dark as to the exact cause of his illness.

"My poor baby, what have you done to yourself?" Bobby whispered as he pulled a plastic chair towards the side of his youngest son's hospital bed. Niall was asleep, his face bone white, hair stuck damply to his forehead. He looked so frail that he thought that even a gentle hug would break him. Stubborn, stubborn boy. Bobby blinked back tears. His precious boy was surrounded by tubes and wires, a heart monitor beeped incessantly and the oxygen mask over his face made a hissing sound as it helped pump air into Niall's struggling lungs.

"Here, some tea for you" A nurse held out a steaming cup and Bobby gratefully accepted it, then he sat down heavily next to Niall's bedside and continued his vigil. He had been at Niall's side for hours and he still showed no sign of waking up. He had been assured by his doctors that this was normal, that Niall was so physically exhausted and weakened from his illnesses, that he needed as much sleep as possible. But he was a parent and, despite the reassurance of the medical staff, he remained anxious.

Bobby wanted to know more about his son's condition so he asked to speak with the Doctor in charge. Within minutes he was escorted to a pleasant office on the floor below the one where Niall was being treated. 

"Mr. Horan?" a tall, elderly doctor entered his office where Niall's father awaited him, and held out his hand to shake his.

"I'm Bobby Horan"  Bobby confirmed. "Please, how is my son?"

"Niall is a very sick young man," the doctor said gravely. "He's got double pneumonia. This is being treated but we've have had a few setbacks. But, provided nothing unexpected happens, we do expect a full recovery although Niall will need to take better care of himself in the future. The Lupus is an added worry as Niall is very reluctant to accept the diagnosis and seems unwilling to take any measures to help himself live with the condition. He is, unfortunately, his own worst enemy."

"Stubborn" Bobby said "Always was, doesn't alter. That boy digs his heels in, there's no shifting him.

"Well, unless Niall wants to spend the rest of his life in and out of the hospital, he'll need to accept that he can't be so stubborn." The doctor replied. "He may not be so lucky next time. Even now, we can't guarantee there won't be some scarring on the lungs as a result of pneumonia.

To be honest with you, I feel Niall could do with some type of residential therapy when he is fit enough to be discharged. There is an excellent centre in Arizona that I feel would benefit your son.  If he agrees, he'd be a guest there for several months. He'd be assessed as to his needs and they would help him, not only come to terms with the issues that chronic health conditions bring with them but also ways of limiting the problems. He'd get the rest he desperately needs, his nutritional needs would be better met. In short, his health would receive a massive overhaul." The doctor paused as he looked at Bobby.

"I can't see Niall agreeing to that" Bobby was quick to respond.

"Wouldn't him going home to Mullingar with his family be just as good. Home cooking, family, and friends around him"  Bobby said, wanting his son home.

"Mr. Horan, parents can do wonders for their children but, as you realize, Niall is a grown man. A very determined and stubborn grown man. He really needs expert intervention. A parents love can accomplish a great deal but, in this case, it's just not enough. I'm sorry." the doctor's tone was apologetic but firm.

"You're right, I know you're right. We can't fix what's broken. Niall needs professional help." Bobby said  quietly  "He needs more looking after that we, his family,  can provide."

"I'm glad you're in agreement with me. It really would be for the best and it will do nothing but good for your son. I'll speak to Niall's Manager and to the Clinic and see if we can get it set up for when Niall is discharged."

"You sound like Niall has no say in all this? He does get to decide if he wants that, yes? "  Bobby suddenly questioned.

"We would, naturally, discuss this with Niall and hope that he sees that residential treatment would be to his benefit. A willing patient is always preferable. However, Niall's contract with his Management contains a clause that enables them to act in Niall's best interests if it is deemed he can't make an appropriate choice." the doctor admitted, rather reluctantly. He didn't really want to face opposition to his plans.

"So basically, you could take his choices, his rights, away from him?" Bobby said, his tone suddenly cold. He wanted the best for his son, of course, he did, but this suddenly sounded like Niall would be forced into something he really might not want.

"Mr. Horan, I appreciate your concern, but surely you see this is in your son's best interests? We'll talk with him and hopefully, persuade him, but I am sure it won't be a case of force." The doctor used his most soothing voice. He understood the reaction of Niall's father but he also knew what the results could be if Niall didn't take his health more seriously.

"Now, this is all in the future. First, we need to get Niall well enough before we can even consider the options open to him. Why not go and visit with your son. I believe the nurses have finished their tasks  and I'm sure he'd love the company." He shook Bobby's hand then left him to return to his son.

" I don't like this. I don't like this at all."  Bobby muttered to himself said, her voice laced with anxiety. "But what can I do?"

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