A Chuid Den Tsaol...my share of life.

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Louis stumbled towards the bed, his eyes alight with hope as he stared down at his mate.

"Niall" he whispered but got no response. Niall's eyes were closed. Louis reached out a shaky hand, shaking Niall gently but got no response. It was like Niall had never spoken. But he had!  Louis took a deep breath and pushed the call bell that would summons help, not taking his eyes off Niall, not even when Noah hurried into the room.

"Lou, what's wrong?" Noah swiftly moved towards his patient but could see no change. Even the machines were bleeping their own regular rhythms.

"He, ah, he spoke, Noah. Niall spoke to me" Louis blurted out, sounding breathless. "I just wanted him to talk so I  yelled and swore at him, called him Neil. He hates when I do that. I guess I was kinda mad at him and...." his voice faded as he looked up at Noah anxiously.

"And then what happened?" Noah prompted gently.

"He said 'Don't call me Neil'. I rushed over to the bed but he..... he just was laying there, like he is now. I gave him a little shake but nothing. He's getting better isn't he, he's going to be OK?" Louis gazed down at Niall as he spoke then bit his lip as he looked back at Noah.

"I don't know, Lou. We've done all we can. The test results show that the Lupus seems to have been eradicated but he's just not responding. I don't know what to think, what to tell you. Look, you're exhausted. Go get some rest, yeah?" Noah patted Louis's shoulder sympathetically then watched the small man walk slowly out of the room, shoulders bowed in a defeated attitude. He sighed internally as he turned back to his patient. "I wish you could give us answers, Niall." He then turned and followed Louis out, leaving Niall lying still and unresponsive as the machine continued their quiet clicks and beeps as they monitored the unconscious Irishman.

"NIALL HORAN USED AS EXPERIMENTAL GUINEA PIG!   Pop sensation, Niall Horan, is being used as an experimental guinea pig for drugs never tested on humans. Niall, who it is known suffers from Lupus, has been undergoing treatment and our sources say that this has left him in a critical condition, barely clinging to life. We demand answers as to how this was allowed.

Our sources claim..........."

Caleb frowned down at the glaring headlines of the newspaper gripped so tightly in his hands that his knuckles were white. He raised his head at looked furiously at Gordon Hayes-Hamilton.

"Where the h*ll did this come from. How did the press get hold of this?"

"We think from the doctor we fired when Niall was moved here from the facility. We know it wasn't Doctor Juzoka as she's the one who gave us the heads-up when he suddenly disappeared. And you'd better see this" He drew up the blinds of his office and gestured at the window. Caleb walked slowly towards it and stared out. There seemed to be hundreds of people gathered outside, a mix of media and fans. How had he not heard the noise they were making. He turned back and looked at Hayes-Hamilton.

"What now?" he asked, his voice strained. "Niall agreed. He knew the risks. What do we say?"

"Well need to put out a statement. Niall's Management is providing extra security and we've asked the Police to move these people away but....well....there's major trouble ahead. Especially if Niall doesn't recover." Gordon Hayes-Hamilton said grimly. "I'll get together with the team and see how we can best handle this situation." He sat down at his desk and picked up the phone. Caleb turned back to staring down at the newspaper headlines, cold sweat trickling down his back as he prayed that nothing else went wrong.

"Back again, Niall" His Granny rocked back and forth in her rocking chair, knitting needles clicking a soft accompaniment to the slow creak on her chair. "I thought you'd chosen to stay with your family". She lifted her faded blue eyes to look at him. "So like your Da" she whispered.

"Peace, Granny, I want peace. I'm worn out with all this. I want to leave it behind me." Niall murmured ."Let me stay with you."

"Niall, baby, you're too young to be here. Look around and see. It isn't your time, lad."

"But you're here" Niall protested. "You're happy here. I could be too."

"A leanbh .....A chuid den tsaol.   My child....My share of life " Niall's granny crooned at her grandson. "I'm sorry but you must choose and choose carefully. This time what you decide is final." She cautioned. "Turn and look, really look, before you decide." She gestured and Niall looked where she pointed. He gasped. He was looking down on himself in a hospital bed, machines monitoring his every breath. His bandmates and family were surrounding him, talking quietly. Niall watched, tears filling his eyes as he listened to their conversation. They were willing him to live.He seemed to stare down for an eternity, listening to their pleas and prayers. He turned back to his granny who smiled. "Choose carefully A leanbh"

Niall felt like he was spinning through space, surrounded by light, tumbling round and round, then.....

"Niall! My Niall, you're awake" He blinked up at the sound of the voice, the sound of Ireland and home, as he stared up into the eyes of his Ma.

"Ma" He whispered, his voice sounding rusty. Moura reached over to the table next to the bed and picked up a cup of water. She supported Niall's head as he sipped the cooling liquid. "Ma" he whispered again then watched his mother's face light up with a smile.

"You're back with us. Don't leave us again, you hear." She pressed the call bell and Noah hurried into the room. One look at Niall had his face lighting up with pleasure at seeing his patient, not only awake but talking. It looked like Niall had finally turned the corner.

Niall groaned in frustration. It seemed like the doctors weren't going to leave him alone. He had been poked and prodded, had had more than enough blood taken from him and now he just wanted to be left. But that wasn't happening. It was only when he started yelling that they finally left him to sleep. He closed his eyes and drifted away.

He was dreaming. He knew it was a dream but it was so real. His granny Horan stood next to him. She bent down slowly and kissed his cheek softly. "You made the right choice, A leanbh. You chose to live. Just remember that for me you'll be my share of life. Live it well." She faded away and Niall smiled and rolled over onto his side, letting out a soft snore then he smiled in his sleep

A/N I am so sorry for the long wait.I'm updating my other story next :-)

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