A Small Step In The Right Direction

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As predicted, the conversation with Niall had not gone at all well.The doctor  had carefully outlined their plans to Niall who instantly erupted in anger.

"No, I refuse. There is no need. Just let me out of here" Niall had yelled at the doctor yesterday. "I am quite capable of looking after myself".

"Hardly,Niall. I understand you feel you don't need this but I am afraid you do. You've isolated yourself from friends and family, you're refusing to eat and you're ignoring medical advice. " the doctor had replied, his voice calm and even. "I've spoken to your Manager, there is provision in your current contract that he can make decisions for you if required. And he has done so."

"No!" Niall was virtually screaming now, getting more and more worked up until his anxiety levels triggered an asthma attack. His already over  worked lungs reacted badly and the doctors had to work hard to stabilise his breathing. Eventually, heavily sedated, Niall had lapsed in unconsciousness.

The medical staff moved quickly and efficiently and Niall was carefully prepared for the transfer to the Arizonian Clinic. He  was only vaguely aware of what was happening around him due to the effects of his sedation  in his system and  he felt like he was in some sort of twilight zone where he knew he was being moved but he couldn't focus on the reasons for it. In the end he just gave up the struggle  of trying to understand and fell back into sleep.

"He's taken the move quite well, it appears. Just get him settled and I'll check on him later" . Niall felt himself being lifted then placed gently down  and tried to force his eyes open when he heard the woman's voice but his heavy eyelids refused to obey him.His moment of awareness was brief and he slept yet again.

When Niall woke up, it was to bright sunshine streaming through the window. He pushed himself up carefully and looked around him in a confused way. He was in a totally different room. This one, though it was still obviously a hospital room, was somehow less bleak looking, the walls a warm terracotta color and several paintings adorned the walls.Memory returned and he groaned as he collapsed back against his pillows. Despite his protests , he had been moved to the clinic.  He was trapped. They had done it. 

"It's nice to see you awake, Niall" A pretty Japanese woman smiled at him as she approached his bedside. "I'm Doctor Jozuka and I'll be in charge of your health whilst you are our guest."

"Guest? Captive would be a better choice of word" Niall responded, his fragile temper beginning to flair.

"Guest" the doctor repeated. "Now, please try to calm down, we don't want any repeats of yesterday, do we." She grinned at him the continued "May I just give you a quick check to see how you're doing?"  Niall frowned but nodded reluctantly, complying with her  various quiet requests as she examined. "Good, everything looks much better than it did earlier. Now, if you would stay calm and allow us to look after you properly, we'll get you back on your feet as soon as possible."

"Speaking of feet, when can I get out of this bed?" Niall asked, hoping the doctor would say that it would be soon.

"Maybe tomorrow, we'll let you sit out of bed for a short time, if you have a good night."

"OK" Niall sighed out the word then after a brief pause said  " And when can I get out of here completely?"

"Niall, you'll be with us until you are well" the pretty doctor said patiently. Niall wanted a time frame, she knew, but she also knew that he'd probably have a complete meltdown if she told him how long they anticipated his stay. "Let's just concentrate on the next few days." She tidied his bedding and looked up as a nurse entered the room, bearing a tray. "Look's like your breakfast is here. Please eat" Nodding at him, she left the room, leaving Niall to glare down at the tray of food the nurse had just placed on the table , before swing the table over the bed. He gingerly lifted the cover off the plate and instantly put it back down over the food then pushed the table away.

"Mr Horan" the nurse said, irritated "You need to eat"

"I need to get out of here" Niall responded, yanking  the oxygen tubes from his nose and pulling off the bedcovers as he attempted to get out of bed. It only took seconds before the lack of food and low oxygen levels had him swaying dizzily. Acting quickly the nurse, got him back on the bed and efficiently reinserted the oxygen tubes so that he could breath more easily. She then pressed the call bell to summon more help which arrived very  swiftly in the forms of a well build male orderly and Doctor Jozuka.

Once Niall was once again settled to the doctor's satisfaction, she ushered everyone else out of the room and perched on the side of Niall's bed, looking at him with exasperation.

"Why are you trying to sabotage your recovery, Niall?" she asked gently.

"I'm not" he replied hotly "I just want you all to stop messing in my life"

"Niall, we're not trying to interfere with your life. We just want to help you get well so you can take control back. But right now, you're your own worst enemy. You won't eat, you won't work with us. You fight us every step of the way , If it was a member of your family, would you want me to try and help them?" She looked right into Niall's eyes and he stared back  before  dropping his gaze to his fingers which were twisting together anxiously.

"Ok, you win" Niall whispered quietly then rolled away from her, curling up into a tight ball. The doctor smiled to herself, pleased with the small victory. She knew there were still going to be battles but this was a small step in the right direction. Standing, she quietly left the room, giving Niall time to process their conversation.

Holding his arm to aid his balance, the nurse led Niall over to the comfortable looking chair that was next to the window. He sat down gratefully as even walking that short distance was more tiring then he had anticipated. She draped a blanket over his knees then bustled about tidying his bed as he looked out of the window at the beautiful grounds below .He glared at the sight of a high wall  in the distance that appeared to encompass the building and  gardens.

"There, all done. I'll come back and see how you are doing soon"  the nurse  announced cheerfully as she headed towards the door. "Oh, I forgot....You have mail!"  She reached into the pocket of her scrubs and drew out a letter, handing it to him. Niall frowned slightly. The writing looked familiar . He ripped open the envelope.

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