"I'm Breaking My Promise."

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Niall paced the hotel room, muttering to himself. His head ached badly and his heart seemed to be beating much too fast. He felt like the pain from his headache would cause it to split in two any second now. He groaned quietly. He'd no medication with him at all, not even tylenol.Finally making up his mind, he picked up his wallet and shoved the hotel room keycard into his pocket. He had to find some pain relief or go crazy. He pulled his snapback low down over his face and walked out towards his car, head down, avoiding the gaze of  everyone gaze as he passed them .

Niall found a Walmart and hurried over to the the medicines aisle. Scanning the shelves quickly, he picked up two large bottles, one of Ibuprofen , another of tylenol. Both were maximum strength. Perfect!. And that should be plenty, he thought as he rubbed his forehead and headed to the cashier.

"You're Niall Horan!" she squealed. "I'm actually serving Niall Horan!" Niall smiled at her, glancing around nervously hoping she wasn't going to attract any attention to him but luck was with him. Only a few elderly ladies seemed to be in the store and they were paying no attention to him or the girl.

"Please can I have a selfie with you? Please?" the pretty blond girl begged. Niall sighed inwardly but nodded. Even feeling as ill as he did, he could never be rude to a fan. He got in close to the girl andsmiled obediently at the camera. If the smile didn't light up his blue eyes like normal, who was to notice? "Oh thank you, thank you.' the girl gushed and Niall gave her a brief half smile .

"Ummh, don't put that on Twitter for a day or two, yeah?" he asked. "I kinda want to keep my location secret". The girl smiled and nodded, promising she'd hold off . Niall thanked her and hurried out to his car. He just wanted to get back to the hotel before another eagle eyed fan caught him.  He was sweating with anxiety by the time he had gained the safety of his hotel room. He put the bottles of pills down on the table next to the bed then lay down across the bed, eyes  closed.

When  her shift had finished, Patience headed home to chill out in front of the TV so she could watch her favorite Hollywood gossip show. Patience pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and opened it at her picture of herself with Niall.. She grinned with delight as she looked at it but her smile slowly faded as she really took in Niall's face, so close to her own. He looked paper white, strained, and though he was smiling, his normally bright blue eyes looked flat and grey. He looked ill. She frowned. Still, she had a selfie with Niall. She hugged her phone to her chest before putting it down on the coffee, racing to the kitchen to grab a coke and a bag of chips. She soon was settled on the couch, legs curled under her. Picking up the remote, she turned the TV on and was soon absorbed in the show.

"Now, that's everything on Justin Beiber" Melanie Sheffield said in her chirpy voice. "Now, something serious. It looks like our favorite Irishman, Niall Horan, is missing. Niall was discharged from hospital over two days ago, apparently after being treated for a serious health issue, and has apparently vanished into thin air. As there are serious concerns for his health, the police have asked any fan sighting him to please contact them.This drastic measure has been taken due to very real concerns for Niall's safety. So if any of you fans spot Niall, you know what to do. Call this number". Patience sat up straight and stared at the number scrolling across the screen. Swiftly grabbing her phone, she instantly entered the number into her phone and  and rang it. "Sorry, Niall" she whispered as she waited for the call to connect. "I'm breaking my promise."

"Bobby? It's Louis. Good news...sort of" Louis  spoke quickly, excitement making his accent thicker than normal. "Apparently a fan took a selfie with Niall earlier today at a store. Police looked at the security film, it's definitely him. They are looking around the area to see if they can spot sign of him."

"I hope they find him, Louis. I'm that worried" Bobby admitted.

"I'll call if there's any news" Louis said then ended the call.

"There" the Officer said to his partner, pointing to a black Range Rover "Those are the plates. It's his vehicle. Pull in."  The cruiser pulled in next to the car and the officer immediately climbed out of the passenger vehicle and started to inspect the black car. "Classy" he said.

"When you've finished admiring it, we'd better go in a check if the man is staying here" his colleague said, leading the way into the building where a tall girl stood behind the Reception counter. The Police officers made their way over to her and began asking questions about the possibility of them having Niall Horan as a guest.

"No, definitely nobody of that name has checked in, certainly in the last week" the girl replied to their first question.

"Which guest is driving the Black Range Rover with  ***** plates?"

"That would be Mr Gallagher" was the immediate response. After answering various questions the officers were able to get the room number from the receptionist and headed towards their quarry.

Niall had   poured a handful of pills into his hand. His head ached so badly and he was sick and tired of being ill. He didn't want this f.cking Lupus. Everyone thought his life was a dream but really it felt so f'cked up. Life was shite. He tossed the pills into his mouth and chugged back a large glass of water. He carefully placed the glass down then lay down onto the bed, curling up into a tight ball, mind blank.

Incessant pounding in his head, incessant pounding on the door. Niall whimpered with pain.

"Mr Horan" more pounding. "Police. Open the door please" Niall pulled the pillow over his face. He felt dizzy and nauseous, sweat beading his forehead. There was a click and the door of the room opened, the two officers entered.

"Mr Horan" Niall looked up at him, confused and disorientated.

"Ched, we need an ambulance" Niall heard the voice but it didn't make sense. He wished who ever it was would just go away and let him sleep. Sleep! He let himself slide under the darkness that was floating around him, sinking into to it's peaceful depths.

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